Vermont and Ottawa, August 1999

    A month or so after returning from China, I had a chance to visit my Chinese student-friend Li Mei and her husband Jhanrong in Ottawa, where they are studying in the Department of Applied Physics at Carleton University. I have first met Li Mei at a meeting of the Chinese Aerosol Society that was held at the China Institute for Radiation Protection, where she worked, in Taiyuan. I and other attendees were struck by her friendliness, concern, and capabilities. We kept in touch off and on over the years, and when she was about to realize her long-time dream of studying in North America, I was able to help out. During the two years that are required for her to get the M.S. degree in medical physics, I will be visiting roughly twice a year. They invited me up in August for my first summer visit.
    As chance would have it, I had just been corresponding with my old aerosol buddy Rich Poirot, if the State of Vermont's Air Pollution Control Office, in Montpelier. We decided that I would make it a "twofer" by stopping along the way to see him again, since the best route from Rhode Island to Ottawa  passes within a few miles of Montpelier. Then I decided to make it a "threefer" by stopping to see my JFK buddy Jean Davison, who lives in Burlington, Vermont, which lies between Montpelier and the Canadian border. These pictures chronicle my trip.

Rich Poirot, Montpelier, VT

Jean Davison, Burlington, VT

Li Mei and Jhanrong, Ottawa
            To the top of Royal Mountain
            At the top and down
            Downtown scenes
            More downtown scenes
        Parc Gatineau
            Pink Lake
            Blanchet Beach
            Huron Lookout
        Hot-air balloons; the apartment

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