Kunming, 17–20 November 2006

    I got a chance during this trip to visit my QQ friend of three years Yang Nannan, a senior in English at Southwest Forestry College. We had never met, and I wanted to use the occasion of visiting Guiyang to go to nearby Kunming and finally meet her. When the trip to Guiyang was scuttled at the last minute, I decided to go to Kunming anyhow. It turned out to be the right decision, as the weather that weekend was fine and Nannan was just as nice as she had been on QQ. Enjoy the pictures!

17 November 2006, To Kunming
18 November 2006, A Walk in Kunming
19 November 2006, Yunnan Minority Villages
19 November 2006, Southwest Forestry College
20 November 2006, To Beijing

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