External Comments On This Course


Here are the external comments on this course that have been submitted by E-mail.

22 January 1999

From Jack White, long-time photoresearcher in the case:

Dear Prof. Rahn...
    I visited your website and found it interesting. It is good that a course such as yours is being undertaken on the JFK assassination. For too long academia has looked on the event as studied only by conspiracy kooks. People like you can help overcome that bias. The French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the Lincoln Assassination are common college courses. Maybe some day the Coup of 1963 will be common in college catalogs.
    I hope you course and seminar are very successful. Keep us updated.
    Sorry I cannot attend the seminar. Give George Michael my regards.
Jack White <jwjfk@flash.net>


From Syd Rubenhold:

Dear Dr Rahn:
    Thanks for the info on the JFK assassination course. I have been a student of this event since 1964. I do not know if you will be discussing the following subject but I feel it is could be useful to do so. I believe it can be shown that the shot that struck JFK in the back and allegedly passed through to hit Gov Connally could not have come from the TSBD. By using an aerial view of Dealy Plaza and placing the presidential limousine at the exact location location on the road when the shot struck JFK's back, one can see by drawing a line from the impact point to the location of the 6th floor window that the lateral angle is too large to allow the bullet to have passed through JFK to hit the governor's right shoulder without a major deflection or mid course maneuver. I have made a diagram supporting this conclusion but have not seen a similar one in any of the books I have read.
Syd Rubenhold <sydpds@earthlink.net>


 From Anthony Marsh, Somerville, Mass.:

    Documents, you need documents. I will try to scan a few for you. I have several on my web site and am in the process of sending many to Deanie Richards out in Akron. You also need to guide the students through the FOIA and proceedures for getting documents from the National Archives. Remember that each student is allowed up to 100 free pages of documents from the National Archives.
Anthony Marsh <amarsh@quik.com>
The Puzzle Palace http://www.boston.quik.com/amarsh


From Connie Kritzberg, Dallas, JFK author:

    Sounds interesting. Although your readings are set, you may want to look at our new book, "November Patriots,": fiction and fact, available at The Last Hurrah, JFK-Lancer and from me. It is close to Gary Cornwell's "Real Answers."
Connie Kritzberg <CKritzberg@compuserve.com>


From Stuart Wexler:

    I applaud you for offering this class. I hope you'll make an effort to be balanced.
    I believe that Crossfire is a poor choice of books for use in the class. I believe it contains many factual errors as well as unreliable analysis. As someone who believes in a conspiracy, I think the Anthony Summer's most recent work "Not in your Lifetime" as follow-up to "Conspiracy" is the best overview work; closely following would be Thompson's "Six Seconds in Dallas". On the other side, as someone who has read many LN books as well, I think that the recent work "Live By the Sword" and David Belin's "You Are The Jury" are more condensed, better articulated "Oswald acted alone" books, although the former is iffy as to whether or not Oswald was put up to the crime.
    I have many, many more suggestions when it comes to books that deal with specific areas. On the scientific and reasoning front, a soon-to-be-out article from physicist Art Snyder and his wife Margaret will be groundbreaking.
-Stuart Wexler <Stugrad98@aol.com>

23 January 1999

From Tom Blackwell:

    This is very interesting. I hope you will continue to send EMail. I took Jim Marrs' course at UT-Arlington when he was teaching it from a large loose leaf notebook. That notebook later became the book "Crossfire." I provided a photo of the acoustics tests on Dealy Plaza from 1979. The issue I illustrated was explained very well in Oliver Stone's movie.


From Roger S. Peterson:

    Ken, thanks for your invitation. I see Chas Drago is working with you so I know you are in good hands. One aspect of this case is the treatment of the issue by the media. Dan Rather once confided that "we blew it on the JFK assassination" but he/they do nothing to make up for it. Example: On Nov 22, 1998, I was one of several people to spoke at the JFK Memorial and then Dealey Plaza. I was on a mic that shook windows in downtown Dallas. At Dealey Plaze, there were approx 300-400 people in front of me. AP claimed no one showed up, as usual, at Dealey Plaza. CNN reported that this (99) was the first year that nothing happened at Dealey Plaza.
    Make sure you students get the important article Carl Bernstein wrote for Rolling Stone in 78 about the arrangement the CIA has always had with the major media owners. With Watergate, it was about following the money. With JFK,it is about following the arrangements, alliances, gentlemen's agreements as well as the money. Good luck.
Roger S. Peterson <peterson@garlic.com>


From Bob Vernon:

    Present this: http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/9747

My reply the next day:

    Would you mind telling me a bit more about yourself? Do you want to be placed on my JFK mailing list?
Ken Rahn

His reply (the 24th):

Professor Rahn:
    In response to your questions in your email, I am a producer. My partner is the late Joe West. We have uncovered three actual participants in the murder and are working oon the fourth. We are going for a grand jury.
    You are welcome to place me on your mailing list.
    I have only one goal and that should be the goal of your students: the truth.
    The truth is on the website I sent you. I notice you linked it in.
    Suggest you focus on Mr. Files and the two other participants. You will see much more on the fourth person that we just located.
Bob Vernon


24 January 1999

From Joel Grant, Seattle long-time JFK researcher:

    I was very pleased to run across your course's web page. Jean Davison posted the information on the internet newsgroup alt.assassination.jfk. I would recommend following, and even participating in this moderated newsgroup.
    Judging from your list of course materials, the syllabus, your overall approach, and from what I know of your approach to this case, I can only wish I were able to take the course myself. I have been studying the case since November 22, 1963 and I am still learning.
    I will be following your assignments on the web and I hope to be able to make a "critical" comment or two as time allows.
Best regards,
Joel Grant <JGrant3919@aol.com>


From James Hackerott:

    You might want to include JFKResearch, http://www.mtexchange.com/jfk/forum.html, in your list of web sites. It is a fairly active and growing website, with leanings toward study of the photographic evidence. Good luck, and please keep us updated with your findings.
James Hackerott <hackjama@wt.net>

(It was already there—KAR)


From James Crary, Pittsburgh

Dear Prof. Rahn,
    I am very interested in your course, and would be able to follow developments from here in Pittsburgh.
    Let it be.
James M. Crary <deafjim@webtv.net>
: deafjim (james macryland crary)

Reply to Crary (same day)

Dear James:
    Welcome! I look forward to getting comments from you along the way. Do not hesitate to write.
Ken Rahn


27 January 1999

From James Crary:

    At the Community College of Allegheny County, I guest lectured for the history department twice a semester for several years on the subject of the Kennedy Assassination. During that time I received only one letter from an established researcher, that was from Jim Marrs, who was teaching a full length course. He was very pleased, as were most of the students. I spoke once with Cyril Wecht at the college, a coroner who has been in the center of this controversy. While I cannot present myself as an expert, I do understand the broad outlines of the plot that killed Kennedy and many of the arguments presented by both sides. I also can recognize unlikely ideas and genuinely new or interesting ideas, although such judgements are often a matter of conjecture or opinion. When I don't know the answer, I generally know the direction in which to look and have quite a bit of exposure to researchers and debates, as well as many years experience working as a clerk with librarians in a college library. If any of your students are interested in discussing these issues with me, I am contactable via email at deafjim@webTV.net. The name of the professor who enlisted me at CCAC was Alice Greller, who faught for the truth about the assassination of JFK during the dark age before Oliver Stone's film. It was for many years a thankless task she performed.
: deafjim (james macryland crary)

Again from James Crary:

Dear Prof. Rahn:
    I am glad that you contacted me because I wanted to ask you if your students contact me would you like me to remove my website signature in my responses to them? I don't want to confuse the issues you are raising in your class with my own affairs. For your assurance, it is all true and worse. I was kidnapped, and tortured horribly as a child and went through this injury alone. I went into traumatic shock and amnesia for many years after my mother was forced to sell her house and get me out of the neighborhood where I was in grade school and subject to great trauma.
    When I saught help for shock over a decade later, my dossier had long been falsified and my credibility knocked down by group of people I have identified. This is a brief, as is my website, but the consequence was that persons I saught assistance from actively assaulted me, and saught with great malignancy to prove me some kind of detestible fraud and liar. It was as though they were trying to balance some truly imbalanced mind by attacking me. Foremost among those who led this very cruel and invasive assault was artist Peter Gabriel.
    How I survived I cannot say. I thought I was lost when I went into convulsive arrests. The Olga Havel Foundation Committee of Good Will in Czech Republic, founded in the name of the deceased wife of former dissident and present Czech leader and President Vaclav Havel, wrote me many times, with great concern and comfort. A man named Don Timmerman, who runs a homeless shelter called Casa Maria, part of the Catholic Worker system wrote to Amnesty International in protest, and connected me with groups who process torture survivors, who also aided me a little.
    A great deal of credit goes to the Pittsburgh Hearing Speech and Deaf Services, a deaf girl named Jeannie Tamburro and my personal counselor Howard Dobrushin vigorously intervened in my family situation and through the courts to bring me into their care for therapy, volunteer work, friendship and rehabilitation. I am indeed still in chronic pain, suffering spasms in my face and optical nerves and muscles, but time has released me from much of the pain, and therapy has given me a chance to talk through and write about experiences, some of which, a kidnapping incident in particular, during which I was gassed, THAT I DID NOT EVEN KNOW HAD HAPPENED TO ME, until after the seizures restored memories. My eyes almost separated, it was that bad.
    Dick Cress, who runs the Dignity of Victims Everywhere website also helped me, with cool and rock solid advice about my writing. He supported my counselor's wisdom time and again, making it harder and harder for people interested in derailing my rehabilitation to succeed.
    Finally, there was Angie Dorman, who appears in my website. Angie, like Don Timmerman, believes me. I can't tell you how liberating it is to be believed.
: deafjim (james macryland crary)


A brief addendum from James Crary:

    I did indeed lose 91% of my hearing during the ordeal of childhood. I speak very clearly, however, which can be confusing at times.
: deafjim (james macryland crary)


5 February 1999

From Enid Gray

Dear Prof. Rahn,
    Thank you so much for sending the information regarding the Providence conference, but alas as I live in Australia it will be impossible for me to attend. However, the J.F.K. course is something that I could participate in.
    So, could I begin with a contribution which should interest any of your students who are still embroiled in the question of whether it was the real Oswald or an imposter who travelled to Mexico City. They may be interested to learn that I have spoken to Patricia Winston, who was one of the Australian ladies who travelled on the same bus to Mexico as Oswald. This very important witness, who spoke to Oswald for hours, is still convinced that the person she met was the real Oswald and not an imposter. I will be happy to email further details to any of your students who are researching this area of the assassination.
    I wish you a succesfull conference.
From Enid Gray

My reply the same day

Dear Enid:
    Thanks for your reply and your interest in our course. I'm sure that our students would like to see further details on Oswald and Mexico City. Why not send the information to me, and I will post it so that all can view it?
    Sorry you can't make the conference!
Ken Rahn


12 February 1999

From David Mollering

    My name's David Mollering, I'm an Illustrator working for the San Diego Union-Tribune. I've been into the assassination since highschool, the early 70's. In 1994 I had the chance to meet one of the so-called tramps, the older tramp, otherwise known as the third tramp, Chauncey Holt. The three men photographed being escorted by police through Dealy Plaza. We became great friends and had lunch weekly for the next three and a half years. Not only was he a contract agent, but he worked for big business and the mob for thirty years. Starting after WWII working for Meyer Lansky as an accountant, among other things. He was a skilled assassin taking part in most of the Central American black operation for the company, starting with Guatemala and continuing through Chile. We filmed him the week before he died in June 1997. The one thing we have that noboby else has are the documents and letters he kept. Linking Big business the mob and the agency. Soon you'll be able to see for yourself what went on during those times. I always felt I was going to lunch each week with the unspoken history of 50's 60's and 70's.
    I think it's a great idea getting students involved in the subject, seeing the times at such a distance should bring a clearer eye.
    If any of your students would like to write and inquire about what I learned from Chauncey, I'd be more than happy to tell what I know. If you have any reservations about my story, please write James H. Fetzer, PHD, University of Minn @ Duluth. (jfetzer@d.unm.edu) He is very familar with Chauncey's story, and a good friend.
sincerly David Mollering

My reply

Dear David:
    Thanks for your note of earlier today. I have taken the liberty of posting it on the "External comments" section of the course's web page so that all the students can see it. I hope that some will write to you.
    Chauncey Holt wrote to me a few years ago. As I recall, it was because he disagreed with something I had written and wanted to register his opinion. I believe he was living in The Artists' Colony in Lemon Grove, CA, if memory serves. It seems to me that his letter was pretty feisty--he was basically chewing me out. I think I still have it somewhere.
    I have one question for you--did you make any effort to check any of the things that he told you? If so, what did you find?
    Would you mind telling me a bit more about yourself? Do you want to be placed on my JFK mailing list?
    Would you like to be put on our mailing list for the course and the conference?
    Thanks in advance.
Sincerely, Ken

His reply

    Thanks for returning my mail so soon. The mention of Chauncey writing you and chewing you out made me laugh. HE made a career writing letters to the Union-Tribune and LA Times. He wasn't shy about expressing his opinion. Yes, after he died we spent the next 6 months or so researching the people and places he mentions. Not once did we find a discrepancy, and most of the time we discovered he under played his role.
    I not sure if your aware, but Chauncey's underworld life goes all the way back to Bugsy Siegal. He often spoke about flying with Meyer Lansky out to Vegas and LA to check on the money Siegal was spending. I'm also sure you arn't aware of his career in the circus. He had some relatives who owned a circus and each summer starting when he was still in grade school, he'd perform on the highwire. He later used the circus to smuggle arms into Cuba after Castro took over. This tape is also not just Dallas, he also was in New Orleans that summer. In fact those photos of Oswald on the street corner are croped. In full frame you clearly see Chauncey comming out of the Trade Mart. We have the photos and letters pertaining to that. His superiors were not pleased he was photographed.
    You can sign me up, but I'm not sure I can afford to attend.
sincerly David Mollering
P.S. E-mail me your shirt size, I've made Chauncey Holt Memorial T-shirts and I'll send you one.

My reply

Dear David:
    I actually know very little about Chauncey other than that he berated me once. Are you sure that he was one of the tramps? If so, how?
    Thanks for the offer of the T-shirt. I wear them very seldom, so if you wish, you may save mine for someone else. If you insist, though, my size is something like medium (38-40).

Second message

    Is there a chance I could make a presentation on Chauncey to your conference. If I could bring some documents would that help?
- David Mollering

My reply

    Thanks very much for your stimulating suggestion. I'm meeting with my cochairman Charlie Drago on Monday afternoon to discuss things like this. While we are trying to keep most of the presentations general*, the subject of Chauncey might be so interesting that we couldn't turn it down. But I'm warning you to be ready for some serious questioning.
    *I, for example, will probably offer a new JFK epistemology (logical system of dealing with evidence and reasoning). I didn't develop it; I'm just the messenger of centuries of classical practice.
Sincerely, Ken


13 February 1999

Correspondence with Brian LeCloux

Dear Prof. Rahn:
    I found your materials for your course to be most interesting. In general I like your approach though I would disagree with some of your conclusions. I've been most impressed with the work of three individuals on the JFK case. Howard Roffman and his book, Presumed Guilty. If there is an alibi for LHO its in his chapter where he shows that based on the eyewitness testimony from the Warren Commission Oswald to have been the sixth floor assassin would have arrived at the Coke machine AFTER Truly and Baker. You simply have to read this chapter and the accompanying exhibits to understand the simplicity of the solid alibi. Again based only the official evidence and testimony. Second, Weisberg. He is still the man when it comes to research. No one knows the facts or case like him. His knowledge of the official record is unparalleled. If ones disagrees with his stridency, tough. Finally, David R. Wrone. His 1979 massive bibliography compiled with Delloyd J. Guth is a treasure, especially the 30 page intro where Wrone takes apart the Warren Commission's and the House Committee's case piece by piece using their own evidence, till nothing is left but conspiracy. And Wrone's review of Posner's book is the best as well. He notes the numerous factual errors Posner makes; not of interpretation but of simple fact, like the names of people, where a bullet struck, etc.
    I like what Weisberg once said and I'm paraphrasing: There's two things I know for sure, the official story is not true and those who issued it knew it wasn't true. There's another thing I know, the crime was beyond the capability of Lee Harvey Oswald or anyone else.
    I agree.
Brian LeCloux, Richland Center, WI <blecloux@mwt.net>
(Disclosure: I'm a former student of Prof. David R. Wrone at UW-Stevens Point)

My reply

Dear Brian:
    Thank you for your message of general comment just now. This is exactly the kind of response I had in mind when I decided to put the course onto the web. Although I have Howard Roffman's book, I sense that arguments of the sort he makes are inherently weaker than much of the other evidence available to us. (And by the way, I agree that we cannot put Oswald's finger on the trigger, even though we can come fart closer than we can with anybody else.) I also respect Harold Weisberg's deep knowledge of the case. My concern with his stridency is not just the stridency, but when it is coupled with his complete inability to find a better explanation for any of the deficiencies of evidence that he criticizes so. It's as though human organizations should never show the imperfections of being human. Furthermore, I can state with authority that when he entered one area that I know about, the chemical analysis of the bullets and fragments, he was completely off base.
    I don't have anything by David Wrone. Would you be willing to send me that 30 pages of dissection that you referred to? I would very much like to examine it. I would also like to distribute copies of it to the class. Thanks in advance.
    As to the crime being beyond the capability of anybody, I believe we could have a serious discussion about that, since somebody obviously did it. It's always risky to state with certainty that nobody could do something, because we might not yet have all the relevant facts concerning the act. The dilemma becomes even more acute when seen in the light of the chemical and ballistic evidence that ties all the bullet fragments back to Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle to the exclusion of all other rifles. This is one of those unpleasant hard facts that we all have to deal with. I hope you will stay with the class and offer additional comments. We are moving into patterns of thinking critically and evaluating evidence. I look forward to your comments on the five essays that are the subjects of the most recent homework assignments (the last assignment of which will be posted in a couple days).
Sincerely, Ken Rahn

His reply

Thanks for your reply:
    1. I have a different view of Roffman. I've seen his impressive presentation given at UW-SP in Nov. 1976 at Wrone's Assassination Symposium (included James Lesar and Harold Weisberg; what a group! probably the best four ever assembled)
    2. Your comments about the bullet evidence don't and cannot link any specific person to the shots. Correct?
    3. When you have the time reread Roffman's superb analysis of the Warren Commission evidence and testimony from Chapter 8 pp. 201-225 The Alibi: Oswald's Actions after the Shots. Review the figures on pp. 218 and 219 and the related analysis. Convinces me.
    4. Also I am going to compare what you say on bullet evidence with what I have and get back to you.
    5. On David R. Wrone
        a. his comments on the release of the Z-film are at: www.uwsp.edu/news/webpages/tmwrone.htm
        b. his review of Seymour Hersh: "Shame on you, Sy for that awful book on JFK" is at: http://thecapitaltimes.com/jfkbook.htm
        c. his review of Posner is at: www.assassinationscience.com/wrone.html
(this is Fetzer's site; by the way, when asked by a caller on Wisconsin Public Radio what he thought of Fetzer's book he was very abrupt and criticized everything in the book--I have a copy of the hour long broadcast with Wrone's historical view on many aspects of the JFK case if you're interested)
    Also some comments on Posner to get you interested:
        i. "Massive numbers of factual errors suffuse the book"
        ii. "Posner often presentst the opposite of what the evidence says."
        iii. "No credible evidence connects Oswald to the murder."
        iv. "...for example, 100 percent of the witness testimony and physical evidence exclude Oswald from carrying teh rifle to work that day disguised as curtain rods. Posner manipulates with words to concoct a case against as Oswald as with Linnie Mae Randle, who swore the package, as Oswald allegedly carried it, was twenty-eight inches long, far too short to have carried a rifle. He grasped its end, and it hung from his swinging arm to almost touch the ground. Posner converts this to "tucked under his armpit, and the other end did not quite touch the ground." (p. 225)
        v. "The rifle was heavily oiled, but the paper sack discovered on the sixth floor had not a trace of oil. Posner excludes this vital fact."
        vi. This might interest you Professor: on the curb shot Wrone comments about Posner, "He asserts proof of a core hit because FBI analysis revealed "traces of (sic per reviewer) lead with a trace of antimony" (p. 325) in the damage. What he omits destroys his theory. He does not explain that a bullet core has several other metallic fragments in its composition, not two, rendering his conclusion false.
    He further neglects to inform the reader that by May 1964 the damage had been covertly patched with a concrete paste and that in August, not July, 1964, the FBI tested the scrapings of the paste, not the damage, which gave the two metal results." And this is why anyone who says there were only three shots fired is theorizing. We don't have test results for that curb shot. We don't know what bullet or core hit there. Any investigation is incomplete without those results and as Wrone shows we don't have them.
    vii. Wrone sums up: "Posner fails. I believe that irrefutable evidence shows conspirators, none of them Oswald, killed JFK."
    e. Wrone also did a great review of historian Michael Kurtz's book Crime of the Century for The Journal of Southern History, May 1983 pp. 332-333. He didn't like the book. He credits Kurtz with some good analysis but he says Kurtz "accepts many key documents with little question. He also notes that "Errors of fact suffuse the text." same thing he said about Posner. Kurtz believes there was a conspiracy. Wrone concludes in this review, "No credible evidence connects any group or individual, including Oswald, to the murder."
    Now you know why we don't see Prof. Wrone on Nightline or Larry King or Geraldo. If you haven't got a theory to sell the mainstream media is providing a microphone, camera, or its print.
    f. You've got something on your site about the Kennedy Lincoln connections: guess what? Wrone gave the 37th Annual Meeting of the Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin Address on April 13, 1980. The topic? Two Assassinations: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy in which he knocks down all connections as not factually supported. I have a copy would you like?
    g. Finally his excellent Introduction to the 1980 edition of The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Comprehensive Historical and Legal Bibliography, 1963-1979, 542 pages! and compiled with DeLloyd J. Guth makes several important points:

i. First he devastates the conspiracy arguments which name shooters or groups.
ii. Second, he undermines the official theory by using their own evidence against their theory.
iii. Third, he shows how the HSCA had as its main function that of supporting the Warren conclusions (this was directly told to him by members of the committee) only stumbling onto the infamous tapes near the end of the investigation. The HSCA doesn't even mention a victim, James T. Tague in its Final Report! No bullet went through Kennedy's collar (Weisberg had already done the work of retrieving the FBI evidence on this and published it in Post Mortem)--a key part of the single bullet theory on which the Warren Commission Theory stands. Live oaks trees blocked a shot from the sixth floor window between frames 170 and 210 though HSCA says JFK was hit "at about frames 188-191". Then, there is the mishandling of the Carolyn Arnold statements. Taken together, the two support her later claims that she saw LHO on the first floor at 12:25; making it unlikely that he went up five flights of stairs and ran over to the window to shoot JFK. In her hand written statement she told the FBI she saw LHO "at about 12:25 PM" (Weisberg Post Mortem, p. 333 citing Commission Document 706(d)). The FBI retyped her statement to read that she LHO "a few minutes before 12:15 PM" (Roffman, p. 185, citing CD 5:4l). On page 276 Roffman notes the dishonestly of the Warren Report which claimed "that it knew of no Book Depository employee who claimed to have seen Oswald between 11:55 and 12:30 on the day of the assassination." It's because of significant examples such as this that the Warren Commission's Report is not to be believed. You can probably order the Wrone/Guth Bibliography from amazon or barnes and noble but if it's not available I could send you a copy of the introduction if you respond back.

    Finally, Wrone wrote The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy: An Annotated Bibliography for the Wisconsin Magazine of History in November 1976. He criticizes among others Mark Lane, David Belin and William Manchester for straying from the documentary evidence. He praises Sylvia Meagher and Weisberg. That's all for now. Sorry for the length. Wish I was in your class.
    By the way I teach high school American Government, Social Problems, and Psychology here in Richland Center, WI. I also have a slide show on JFK's assassination that I've shown to high schools where I've taught. Admission: I take the Wrone-Weisberg- Meagher-Lesar-Roffman approach to this case (I guess throw Gerald McKnight in there too). I view them as being in the same camp in between the Warren Commission-Posner-Max Holland-entire mainstream media on one side and the crazies on the other (Lane, Livingston, Fetzer, Groden, Torbitt document, Judge, etc.)
Brian LeCloux

My reply

Dear Brian:
    Thanks VERY much for your long message. I appreciate the time and effort it required. I hope you will not object to posting our correspondence; I'm sure the students will be intrigued by it. I will try to order the Wrone/Guth bibliography and let you know how I did.
    This is not the time for a detailed reply to your comments. For now, let me offer only one general comment of what I understand of Wrone's "ultraneutralist" stance: I have a very hard time with the idea that there is as little evidence connecting LHO to the crime as there is connecting any other individual or group to it. This kind of statement is just not true, given at the minimum that it was Oswald's rifle that did it. Granted that we don't know whose finger was on the trigger. But if we are forced to point the finger, we would clearly point at Oswald.
    Thanks again.
Sincerely, Ken Rahn


14 February 1999

Brian LeCloux replies

    Thanks, Prof. Rahn!
    No problem with the post.
    I'm sending you some things I didn't note in my e-mail by Wrone from some Wisconsin newspapers on the case, Posner, Oswald, the conspiracy and Oswald's exhumation.
    By the way, I'd call Wrone's approach "scholarly" and I wouldn't apply that to many others.
Thanks again,
Brian LeCloux

My reply the same day

    Thanks in advance for your materials.

Brian's next reply the same day

    And I just found in my Wrone files his review of the PBS November 1993 broadcast from the Journal of American History, December 1994: some tidbits:

"In portraying Oswald as Marxist, PBS excises contrary facts." Wrone then goes on to list many.
"all credible evidence establishes that Oswald did not carry a rifle to work that morning."
"The scenes linking Oswald to the Tippit murder are fantasy. PBS, like the Warren Commission, chose to render invisible key witnesses like T.F. Bowley, who reported the murder ten minutes before Oswald could have arrived." (Here Wrone is referring to David Belin's time reconstruction which shows that LHO cannot have been at the Tippit murder scene in time to commit the murder: I know why is Belin credible here when his own book is so full of errors. We just have to submit everything to critical analysis. What doesn't hold up must be discarded. So,it's not the source of the evidence but it's integrity.)
"It gives a false picture of the bizarre and exculpating ballistics. The casings stressed as clinching proof, as being from Oswald's pistol and thus showing his guilt, are not valid evidence. They actually dribbled into the FBI from odd desk drawers with markings different from those recorded at the scene. Similar gross irregularities characterize them."

    Sorry to continue quoting this stuff when you don't have it front of you. I am just reminded of good his analysis. And his command of the facts. I'm just sick of reading either Posner or Livingston; so Wrone is refreshing whenever I return to his work.
    Oh, one more thing, in his 1976 symposium Wrone gave seven suggestions for how to read assassination literature:

1. Common sense: does the argument make sense to you?
2. achem's razor: take the simpler explanation over the complicated
3. forced/false connections: be wary when one individual or group is "connected" with another. So, just because Clay Shaw may have had intelligence associations doesn't mean he was CIA and that therefore the CIA was involved.
4. unsubstantiated assertions: is what asserted documented? and is first hand, second hand, or further down the line? This is why a David Belin can be credible on one piece and not another. Same with Wesley Liebeler, etc.
5. devil theories: be wary of those who fit the assassination into their theory of how the world works, so liberals blame fascists, conservatives blame communists, Holland blames Oswald because it fits his theory of U.S.-Cuban relations (ditto for Cockburn), Parenti blames the government because it fits his theory, etc.
6. procrustean bed: making the facts fit your theory: Posner is good at this. so are Lane and Holland (Holland seems to be trying out a new interpretation of the Russell papers; Russell did not believe the Warren Report in several key areas and encouraged Weisberg to continue his research in the late 1960s--see Whitewash IV; now Holland seems to be trying to reinterpret his dissenting views or spin them to fit his political world view: don't get me wrong I like Max Holland's work in The Nation on many topics, but again, stop trying to make the facts fit your theory if they don't fit; with Holland they don't fit.)
7. reliance on one fact

    I'll send you a copy of this list and explanation and the other things. Out in the mail tomorrow and to you by later in the week.
Brian LeCloux


15 February 1999

Message from Paul Beaver

Incredible great course!!
    We will be following the Course via the Web down here in Dallas.
    Again, great job. Maybe some of us can come up to RI in the Spring.
Paul Beaver <pbeaver1@sprynet.com>

My two brief replies

Dear Paul:
    You have made me curious. Could you tell me something about yourself and who "some of us" might be? Thanks.
Ken Rahn


    Let me add that we would be pleased to have some folks from Dallas attend our Providence conference, largely because we had not expected people to come from that kind of distance. We hope to be able to send out a second announcement around the end of this week.
Ken Rahn


16 February 1999

Message from Stuart Wexler

    The latter half of your evidence sheets give me grave concern that your class is going to focus on "propping up" a number of straw man—"this large group did it"—arguments when their are plenty of researchers, me among them, who reject that characterization. Please emphasize that many researchers believe:

1) That Oswald was involved
2) That Oswald fired shots
3) That Oswald attempted to kill General Walker
4) That Oswald killed Tippit

And that, in the final analysis, NONE of these things mean that there wasn't a conspiracy. Articulating a conspiracy that:

1) Assumes that all conspiracy theorists believe that whoever covered up the crime was involved
2) Assumes that all the conspiracy theorists think the conspirators were competent
3) Assumes that all the conspiracy theorists think that the Oswald was framed *by the conspirators*
4) Assumes that all conspiracy theorists think the conspirators didn't want it to be known that there was a conspiracy
5) Assumes that the conspiracy was large or well-placed

are all straw-men. They are charicatures of what a conspiracy theorist can believe, but not what he/she HAS to believe.
    I hope you will also deal with the inconsistencies in the the LNers OWN way of thinking. For instance, I hope you will know that for decades, LNers thought there was "strong" evidence for a SBT shot at 190. I can present this evidence to you and your students in a way that is very convincing. What is important to know is that when faced with a potential shot at JBC in the 223-4 range—the majority of LNers I know did *not* change their minds. Instead they completely forgot about the very evidence that they found convincing for a decade. They let the SBT *lead* them to a conclusion rather than let the evidence *lead* them to the SBT. The best example of this is the Vince Bugliosi 1986 mock trial of Oswald, which presented it's SBT based on a 190 hit. Wait until Bugliosi comes out with his new book and see if he explains any credible reason why he changed his mind.
Thank you,
Stuart Wexler

My reply, same evening

    Thank you for your comments on our evidence sheets. I have posted them and will discuss them in class tomorrow. In the meantime, I have a couple questions and a request for you.

1. Is there anything specific that leads you to think that our class would not consider the possibility of a low-level conspiracy?
2. Do you have any specific evidence for that kind of conspiracy?
3. When you say that "many" researchers believe that Oswald could have done items 1-4 and still have been part of a conspiracy, what do you mean by "many"? I have always sensed that this kind of position was in the minority of conspiracy researchers.
4. Please send me your presentation of strong evidence for a SBT shot at Z190 and how you see it paralleling evidence for a hit to JBC at Z223-224.

    Thanks in advance for your answers. They will be very helpful to our class.
Ken Rahn

Stuart's reply, same evening (His replies in italics)

In a message dated 99-02-16 20:37:10 EST, you write:

<< Subj: Re: Your "evidence sheets" concern me
Date: 99-02-16 20:37:10 EST
From: krahn@gsosun1.gso.uri.edu (Kenneth A. Rahn)
To: Stugrad98@aol.com

    Thank you for your comments on our evidence sheets. I have posted them and will discuss them in class tomorrow. In the meantime, I have a couple questions and a request for you.
    1. Is there anything specific that leads you to think that our class would not consider the possibility of a low-level conspiracy?
A. Your evidence sheet, which is quite thorough, doesn't mention the possibility anywhere. Only large groups like the CIA, FBI, etc.

    2. Do you have any specific evidence for that kind of conspiracy?
A. I have specific evidence for a conspiracy; I have specific evidence that the only people in contact with Oswald were people of the low-level variety. Neither Oswald, nor the people who he was in contact with, were exactly the type with a personal phone line to J. Edgar Hoover.

    3. When you say that "many" researchers believe that Oswald could have done items 1-4 and still have been part of a conspiracy, what do you mean by "many"? I have always sensed that this kind of position was in the minority of conspiracy researchers.
    I believe Tink Thompson, Barb Junkarinnen, Bill Hamley, Tony Summers and others are willing to consider or eliminate every assumption that I am talking about.

    4. Please send me your presentation of strong evidence for a SBT shot at Z190 and how you see it paralleling evidence for a hit to JBC at Z223-224.
Give me some time. Just remember that what you seem to discuss-- a smoking gun-- is not available. What is, in fact, available is a series of circumstantial events all occuring that convinces not only me, but convince LNers for a decade, that a shot was fired at 190. If you present to your class, for instance, the notion that a shot was fired at 160, I can present to them evidence of better quality and far more of it for a shot at 190. It is a very good circumstantial case.

    Thanks in advance for your answers. They will be very helpful to our class.

They will be coming shortly

    Ken Rahn >>


22 February 1999

Message to Brian LeCloux

I just received your package of Wrone materials. Thanks. (But I haven't had a chance to read it yet!)

Reply from Brian (same day)

Prof Rahn:
Wrone would probably talk to you if you had any follow up about his work.
Brian LeCloux

23 February 1999

Message to Brian LeCloux

How would I contact him?

Reply (same day)

Or, How about trying this? Don't know if Wrone's at this location anymore...
Brian LeCloux
(Gives web addresses for UW Stevens Point)

Reply to Brian (same day)

I found Dr. Wrone very easily. He is listed in the College of Professional Studies Building, 1901 Fourth Ave, Room 428. His E-mail address is dwrone@uwsp.edu and his telephone is (715) 346-4496. Do you think I should contact him directly (after reading his stuff, of course), or would you like to go first?

Reply (same day)

Prof. Rahn:
I would just contact him directly if I were you. I haven't had him as an instructor since the early 80s; haven't even talked to him since I saw him at a UW-Oshkosh talk he gave around 1987 when I was visiting a friend there who taught education and history courses. Obviously, though, I've kept up with his writings on the case which have a consistent approach since his earliest writings in the early 1970s: relentless comparisons of the claims of all to the documentary evidentiary base (as he might put it) careful examination of the chain of evidence (this trips up both conspiracists and official theory advocates) which exposes the Mark Lanes and Gerald Posners who posit theories that fall apart when their main pieces lack an anchor in documented fact. The mainstream media has no places for the David Wrones because they don't support the official theory (Time, Newsweek, US News, NY Times, LA Times, WP, WSJ, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN all support the official claims) and they don't make outlandish conspiracy claims (Lane, Stone, Groden, Livingston) that can easily be knocked down.
    So, Prof. Rahn, just call him; tell him what you're doing; that you've read his stuff, etc. I know he likes to talk about the case. That's what I did when I called Weisberg (who I now understand his not doing to well). I just told him who I was and would he talk about the case and he answered my questions. My understanding with Weisberg is that he does that alot. I don't know that many people call Wrone. He was quoted by George Lardner in a WP piece on the Z film in June of 1998. To me he's an under utilized resource.
    One final comment: have you seen the video Reasonable Doubt by Chip Selby? What a masterful assault on the single bullet theory. It's 48 minutes that completely destroys the Warren Report. Wrone and Weisberg are featured prominently along with Dr. Robert Shaw and Dr. Joseph Dolce. Dolce did the studies for the Army that proved with experiments that the single bullet theory is not true. He was the expert that was called in when an dignatary was killed. He met with the Warren Commission and Arlen Specter. He specifically told them point blank, your theory is false. It's all documented in the Commission memorandums. They took MC ammo, 100 bullets and showed how the theory is false. So, what do you do when your own experts prove your pet theory wrong? Don't call them as witnesses and don't include their reports. But the memos are there.
    And Dolce is awesome on this video. No doubt he's the government expert. Authoritative. So you have to ignore him. Check Posner's book. Dolce's not in there. You cannot write a book called Case Closed and not even deal with Dolce. If you do, you're out of the game as far as I'm concerned. Dolce was the Army's chief consultant on wound ballistics. What better to not include him as a witness. He's not even listed in the Warren Report index. What he told Selby was what he told Specter and would have told the Commission:

"I feel that Governor Connally was hit by two bullets..." These are the kind of witnesses that should have framed the debate all these years; not the crazies out the Garrison trial. These are the folks who should have been on Nightline, Larry King, 48 Hours and so forth. And these are the types of witnesses the Posner's and the rest of the mainstream ignore as they must to posit their lone gunman scenario.

Dolce mocked the HSCA tests. He took photos of the test bullets he fired and they were deformed. Specter deliberately did not show them to witnesses who did testify. A photo appears in Roffman's book. This whole episode of official failure to get the facts on the record is documented in Weisberg's Never Again! Chapter 27.
    Also, again, Dolce is on video in Reasonable Doubt.
    Sorry for the length...

Reply to Brian (same day)

Dear Brian:
Again, thanks for your long message. I find communications such as that one to be invaluable because they often reveal a person's inner workings, which is a prerequisite to any meaningful dialog. I cannot right now reply to your points in any great detail, but let me briefly cut to what is perhaps the most important point--the results of the neutron-activation tests on the various lead fragments. The value of these tests, once understood, is truly enormous. They provide evidence to a very high probability (which is hard to specify precisely but is somewhere around 90%, and perhaps well above that) that the lead fragments recovered from Connally's wrist are indistinguishable from the base of CE399 from which they reputedly came BUT distinguishable from the other sets of fragments, all of which group into a set related to the head shot. Thus to all the arguments abut why CE399 could not have damaged the wrist, the NAA says loud and clear that it did. The long part is looking carefully into the negative claims and seeing where they are weak. I don't have time right now to do this, but I assure you that it is eminently doable. I will try to give a good accounting of these argments within a week or so. In the meantime, I will send an E-mail message to Prof. Wrone and see if he wants to chat a bit. Maybe this could lead to a good discussion of some fundamental issues.
    Thanks again.

Reply from Brian (same day)

Prof. Rahn:
Wrone would be the guy to talk to on this stuff. My initial guess on this is that these fragments lack a chain of evidence. I'm not so sure that there is any material missing from 399. Several pieces were removed for testing. Some might have been lost in firing. FBI Agent Frazier testified that if 399 had struck course cloth or leather he would have expected there to be markings on it and he said there were none. What evidence do we have that 399 can be physically linked to Connally, besides the fragments which I suspect have questionable links. Why weren't these tests released when they were first done (Weisberg pointed this out in Post Mortem)? I read a pretty good analysis by Kurtz discounting the fragment analysis of HSCA. I'd check out his study in his book.
    Other points: even if 399 can be linked to Connally's wrist wound, that doesn't mean it went through Kennedy.
    There were other fragments that were washed out of Connally's wrist that were never tested. Doctors stated that more metal was in his wrist and washed out than was missing from the bullet. Granted their not experts, but we should not dismiss physicians who had experience with many shooting victims.
    Also, x-rays revealed a fragment in Kennedy that would also have had to come from 399. This was referred to by the Clark panel and is often overlooked.
    Finally, I'm real skeptical of any ballistic evidence NOW, given that all this testing was done as Weisberg has shown from his 20 Freedom of Information Act lawsuits by the FBI or other agencies at the Commission's request. They never the released the data they had or destroyed it in some cases. Fact: the Commission never released and legitimate spectrography or any other kind of ballistic evidence directly linking LHO's rifle to the all the wounds of all the victims or the curbstone. They did do the tests. Why didn't they leak the results in 1964? I think the question answers itself.
    Finally, LHO, based on what we know was on the 2nd floor about 5 minutes before the assassination (Carolyn Arnold's FBI statements):

a. How did he get up to the 6th, put the rifle together, etc. and fire within 5 minutes?
b. Why didn't the police swab the rifle barrel? An obvious test. So many basic questions. It's tough to describe the elephant today when the authorities only had their hands on the tail and a couple of feet.


Reply to Brian (same day)

I'm afraid we really part company on your last message--I disagree with nearly everything in it. But my response must wait for another day because I have two classes tomorrow morning to prepare for. I'll write soon.


24 February 1999

Brian LeCloux replies

Prof. Rahn:
Read the section where Griffith dissects Dr. Guinn's research. Question: where's the chain of evidence for fragments from Connally linked to 399? Question: where's the evidence 399 struck ANY object? (it's striations are not disturbed; there are no microscopic markings indicating it struck anything as FBI's Frazier says must exist) What about Nurse Henchliffe's claim that more metal was washed out and thrown away than is missing from 399? So many questions.
Brian L.

(Here Brian included the text of an article by Michael T. Griffith entitled "Five Myths About the JFK Assassination." Rather than have it occupying a great deal of space in this area, which is reserved for shorted communications, I have posted it under "Handouts."—KAR)


27 February 1999

From Bill Cheslock, Chatham, MA

Dear Mr. Rahn,
My name is Bill Cheslock, Chatham High School history teacher, which is located on Cape Cod, MA. Your Jfk assassination course interested me because I teach a similar course at both the high school and adult education levels.
    I will take up your invitation to get involved with your course via the web link you provide. I am, at the moment, half through my course this year. Last year, I had a phone conference hook up with Ed Hoffman in Texas with his interpretator, Ron Friedrich. I don't know if you heard, but Ed had a major heart attack recently, but survived and has a long recovery timetable ahead of him. The members of my class had a very enlightening hour and a half with Mr. Hoffman, asking questions directly to an eyewitness.
    Mr. Rahn, have you heard that David Belin died a few weeks ago, due to a fall in a Minnesota hotel room? It's too bad, because I would've like Mr. Belin to have remarked on certain pieces of evidence which is being declassified, via the ARRB releases.
Good luck with your course, and I hope you have time to e-mail back and say hello. I can be reached at the high school, via bilches@hotmail.com. Say hello to Prof. Evica for me. We were on a panel together a few years ago, in New Hampshire. Francis X O'Neill was the third panelist at Franklin Pierce Law School that night. I hope to see you at the Providence Conference later this year in April.

Bill Cheslock <bches@massed.net>
History Faculty, Chatham High School

Reply to Bill (same day)

Dear Bill:
I was very pleased to receive your message today. I am delighted that you will become involved with our JFK course at URI. We are just over one-third of the way through it, and entering a section that will expose the students to the various conspiracy theories and will allow then to test each theory against the principles of critical thinking and dealing with evidence that we have just finished. For the major conspiracy theories, we will be using Jim Marrs's "Crossfire", Stewart Galanor's "Cover-up," and Oliver Stone's "JFK" and its annotated screenplay. Last Monday, we had Charlie Drago, of Providence, speak to the class. (Note that the preliminary schedule has been revised considerably.) As you could probably gather from the syllabus and the collection of essays, I believe that how we think about the assassination is as important, if not more important, than the particular set of facts we have at our disposal. I also believe that the great majority of evidence put forward so far is not particularly helpful, and maybe even harmful to the extent that quantity begins to replace quality. So I will welcome your comments on the course in general and any of the materials in particular.
    I also hope that you will be able to join us at the Providence conference in April. We expect a thorough exchange of views. I will be presenting an epistemology of the JFK assassination that will challenge everyone to their core.
    I am curious about how you heard about the course and the conference.
Sincerely, Ken Rahn


15 February 1999—Cumulative correspondence with Bill Kelly of New Jersey

Introductory note: Since February 1st, Bill Kelly and I have exchanged a few messages on the assassination and Bill's possibly attending our conference. He recently requested that I post these messages even though they were not in direct response to doings in the course. I am happy to comply. Mr. Kelly, much like Charlie Drago, is not interested in "debating the issues," but in solving the case. He believes that he and others are close to doing that.

1 February 1999

From Bill Kelly, Ocean City, New Jersey

Dear Dr. K. Rahn,
Read your abstracts and articles regarding logic and reasoning and researchers and found them interesting. As a journalist, founder of COPA since its beginnings, and a co-founder with John Judge of the Committee for an Open Archives, I have done years of research into various lines of inquiry. I have come to the conclusion that even if Oswald was the lone assassin, and the single bullet theory is valad, especially if that is so, the assassination was still a domestic covert intelligence operation.
    I am not interested in debating the issues, but rather, am attempting to get additional witnesses and suspects deposed under oath, gather evidence and to attempt to get Grand Jury indictments against those responsible for crimes related to the assassination - obstruction of justice, perjury, destruction of evidence, Smith Act, etc. I have not concentrated my research on the scientific areas, but would like to know why the scientific community has not taken up the work on the acoustics?
    I too was perplexed by the UFO phenom among JFK assassination research - and was not surpised to learn that A.F. General Charles Cabell, bro of the Dallas mayor, was in charge of Project Bluebook, that UFOs were used to protect the U2 and were used in psychological warfare operations. The 1947 Seatle, Washington sightings were first reported by Fred Crisman, believed to be one of the Tramps and a Jim Garrison suspect.
    What really threw me however, was when I tracked down Arthur Young, shortly before he died. Young is Michael Paine's step-father, and inventor of the Bell Helicopter. As I interviewed him for two hours, with tape recorder running, he figured out my astrology chart and asked me if I was an alien! He thought I was from the Pleadies, and showed me a book written by a retired AF officer from Arizona that had photos of aliens from the Pleadies. When I got home I called the author of the book, who did not have any more copies to sell (limited edition), but confirmed that he had worked at Wright-Pat AFB in Dayton, Ohio and was assigned to Project Bluebook under General Cabell.
    Well, in any case, I am tired of conventions and social functions and do not want to rehash the case or argue with those who don't believe in conspiracy. Those who believe Oswald did it alone can not attribute to him a motive, and that is because he was under the control of a case officer who directed his movements as part of an intelligence network. The assassin of Medgar Evers was finally convicted 30 years after the murder, and those responsible for crimes related to the assassination of JFK should be brought to justice in this century.
    Thanks for your time and consideration in this matter,
Bill Kelly
819 Wesley Ave.
Ocean City, New Jersey, 08226
(609) 814-0258

My reply, same day

Dear Bill:
Thanks for your long note. I am sorry that you are no longer interested in attending conferences or debating the main issues, especially since you are nearby. Let me dash off a couple quick answers and then add a few questions of my own.
    I consider your question about why so few scientists have taken on the acoustical question to be a subset of the larger question of why so few scientists are working on the assassination. I believe the answers are (1) their peers regard it as lower intellectually than their professional field; (2) there is no research money in it; and (3) it will not help advance their careers. I don't worry about any of these objections.
    My questions for you: (1) Who did you work for in journalism? (I'm always interested in how journalists get involved in the case.) (2) Who was Oswald's case officer? (3) How do you know the assassination was a conspiracy? (4) How do you know it was a domestic covert intelligence operation? (5) Why do you think that Oswald's motive is s important? Isn't it more important to first determine whether he really did it? (6) In general do you agree with me about distinguishing belief and proof? (When someone asks me what I believe, I reply that the only important thing is what I can prove.) Thanks in advance. Short answers would be fine.
Sincerely, Ken

2 February 1999

Bill's reply

Dear Ken,
Thanks for the quick and timely response. It's not that I'm not interested in conferences anymore, it's just that I want to focus on the research and evidence and make a move on it legally, rather than particpate in an endless debate.
    I believe, with the release of the files, and a follow up deposition of witnesses, we can solve the case within a year or so.
    I'm not interested in debating anyone over ballistics.
    In answer to your questions:
    1) I am a freelance writer—strictly journalist (no poetry or fiction), who has written a number of books, 300 Years at the Point—A History of Somers Point, New Jersey, Birth of the Birdie—100 Years of Golf at Atlantic City Country Club and am currently working on a history of the Flander Hotel in Ocean City, New Jersey.
    Two unpublished manuscripts are The Mystery of Goldeneye—James Bond & Ian Flemling—the Men & the Myth and my JFK Assassination research that I have been working on since I was a freshman at the University of Dayton, Ohio in 1969, focusing on the Cuban connections. My most recently published article is about Grace Kelly, a cover story in the January issue of Atlantic City Magazine.
    2) I don't know who Oswald's case officer was, but I imagine that in his service in the Marines, defection to USSR, taking a pot shot a Walker, FPCC in New Orleans, sidetrips to Clinton, La. and Mexico City and seven weeks in Dallas, it was under different case officers, probably Tracy Barnes (USSR), David A. Phillips (Mexico City) and whoever had JFK killed.
    3) The only way that I know it was a conspiracy is that it has all the hallmarks of a standard covert operation, complete with cover story (Castro did it) issued before the fact, persons with foreknowlege (Dr. Jose Rivera), use of need to know operational procedures, as well as Oswald's background as an agent - alias, cryptonames, use of codes and cyphers, interogation techniques, minox camera, association with intelligence trained personel, etc.
    4) Although I recognize the crime as a covert operation, I do not ascribe it to any specific agency - CIA, ONI, KGB, Cuban G2, Mafia, etc., because you cannot indicte organizations for murder, only individuals, which is my goal. It could even have been a privately financed covert operation, although the techniques at the time (pre-Watergate) were not known to the general public and held primarily by the military. It was definately a domestic, anti-communist operation because they fingered Castro as the culpret before the fact, and if it really was Castro, the KGB or the Mafia, the government would not have covered up the fact, but would have went after them with vengence.
    5) As for the importance of Oswald's motive, my father was a homicide detective (47 years police service, Camden, N.J.), and my approach to the assassination is that of a normal homicide detective - with the realization that for conviction of murder you need to convince a jury of the suspect having the means, MOTIVE and opportunity to commit the crime, and Oswald had no motive, denied doing it and only lied about items that were involved in his covert, clandestine activities.
    6) Yes, I enjoyed reading your abstracts and analysis although I must say that I failed to appreciate your COPA and LANCER presentations on the jet affect, because I don't think it matters if there was one gun or two or what direction the shots came from, except to convince a jury, in which case it will probably only confuse them, as it confuses me.
    The belief-and-proof stuff (excuse my crude Camden street talk), is very important. Have you read: History Will Not Avsolve Us - by E. Martin Schotz. He goes into the whole idea of the difference between believing and knowing of a conspiracy, although I disagree with him on the concept of just putting all domestic covert operations onto the CIA. I'm after the guys who did it, want to confront them in person, and have them tell me why they did it.
    In any case, I think there is a need for a symposium on what is revealed in the recently released files, an analysis of what the ARRB failed to release, and a concerted move to get sworn depositions from witnesses and suspects as soon as possible.
    If you are futher interested in my work, I will send you along some attachments to the email of some of my old (Collins Radio Connections) and most recent work. My COPA abstract on Bottlefed by Oswald's NANA - the North American Newspaper Alliance and Covert Ops 1938-1998 and Thursday Nite at the CABANA lounge are both available on the internet at JFK PLACE, my report from 1998 COPA is at Steamshovel (back issues) and I am currently working on the Quaker Connection and Dr. (Col.) Jose Rivera—Adelle Edison's story, all of which support my covert operation hypothesis.
    In addition, are you familiar with the Thresher sub connections to the JFK assassination - JFCOTT? There's some oceanographic Woods Hole links to Ruth Paine there as well, all in your neighborhood. Other academics in your neck of the woods who should support you are Jerry Rose (Fourth Decade), George M. Evica and Phil Melanson (Spy Saga).
    Perhaps I will submit an abstract and attend your conference if it seems you are serious about solving the crime rather than debating it.
    Thanks for your time and consideration in this matter, which I believe is very important, and good luck with your conference, which could be a good thing. All the best,
Bill Kelly

My reply, same day

Dear Bill:
Sorry to be brief this time.
    (1) I would like to see some of your stuff. Please send as attachments.
    (2) Charlie Drago thinks along lines similar to yours. Consider contacting him directly. Your possible presentation would fit very well into his part of the meeting, it seems to me.
    (3) I think it may be unfair to ask if someone is interested in solving the case. The appropriate first question is finding out how close we can come to solving it. Second question is who did it. The two are very different.

15 February 1999

A reminder to Bill from me

    Some time ago, you indicated that you would send me some of your work as attachments, but I have not received them yet. I am still interested. Please send copies to Charlie Drago, too. Also, we would be pleased to receive an abstract from you on how you would like to go about solving the crime. As to your lack of interest in simply continuing to debate the crime rather than solving it, I would like to think that few or no JFK researchers are in it just to get experience in debating, i.e., for a debating society. Rather, I hope that they realize that discussion and debate are a necessary first step toward solving it. Charlie and I met today, and I expect he will be sending you a more-detailed note.

Bill's reply, same day

Dear Ken A. Rahn,
    Sorry I didn't get back to you, although I have been discussing your conference with others and am anxious to participate as a platform for beginning a legal resolution to the case.
    Enclosed as attachments are two lines of inquiry I have been working on most recently, though by the time the conference is held, I hope these are out-of-date and we are closer to resolution than we are now, as things are moving quickly on many fronts.
    In any case, I recieved an email from Vince Palamara, who listed your man Charles Drago as #1 on his list, and me last, and tried to email Drago a possible abstract, but got it back in the mail. We will hook up soon, I am sure.
    I was glad to learn that George M. Evica will be the moderator, as I have the utmost respect for him and his work, and frequently use his book We Are All Mortal as a reference.
    As someone involved in Ocean research, you must be familiar with the Woods Hole operation, as well as the Thresher sub sinking. Are you also familiar with their association with the assassination of JFK?
    For one, Ruth Forbes Paine's family home on Nashoun (sp.?) island is just off Woods Hole, where sub research is conducted and where Ruth Hyde Paine visted before picking up Marina Oswald in New Orleans and taking her (and the assassination rifle) to Texas on Sept. 24, 1963.
    John Gooch, an independent researcher from New Orleans has traced the Ricky White-C. Bower of ONI teletypes to those teletypes used to communicate with the nuke sub Thresher and has id C. Bowers as Lt. Cycil Bowers UNR, of New Orleans. In addition, there was a group, JFCOTT- Justice For the Crew Of The Thresher, involved in preassassination operations similar to those experienced by Syliva Odio and the Cubans.
    Also take note that Oswald was introduced to former nuke sub commander Adml. Chetser Bruton, of Collins Radio, in an attempt to get Oswald a job at Collins, and that Clay Shaw wrote a play about a submarine that was sunk with all hands.
    As someone involved in ocean research, I would hope you would be interested in these lines of inquiry.
    In any case, I am preparing an abstract for delivery at your symposium, and look forward to discussing it with Charles Drago before hand.
    The attachments are still works-in-progress, but give you an idea of the type of research I am engagned in. You may share them with anyone you think would be interested.
    Nor am I against debate, to set the record straight, just don't want to waste time.
    I believe you want the truth and will help you acquire it any way I can.
All the best, Bill Kelly.



By Bill Kelly

Of the many Philadelphia connections to the assassination of President Kennedy, few stand out as interesting and suspicious as Lee Harvey Oswald's Quaker connections in Mexico City.
    As the story filtered back to the FBI, it was alledged that Oswald was seen at a restaurant in Mexico City with an American affiliated with the Quaker camp Casa De Los Amigos, who also wanted to go to Cuba. This source further related later that this same American may have been given Oswald a ride to the Cuban and Russian embassies on the back of a motorcycle. This American was later identified as "Larry Kennan," a "Quaker from Philadelphia."
    The first part of this story came to the FBI's attention thru the fiance of one Homobono Alcaraz Aragon, and the trail of information contained in FBI reports is somewhat confusing, so I defer to Professor Jerry Rose as he first published first part of the story in the Fourth Decade (Volume 5 #4, May, 1998).
    Rose wrote about the FBI's investigation of The Casa De Los Amigos, whose residents apparantly had knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald's activities. Rose wrote: "Given the Bureau's propensity to try to associate Oswald with Friends groups like the New Orleans Council for Peaceful Alternatives, this 'information' aroused the intense interest of headquarters, which conveyed this information along with directives to interview [Alcaraz] and give the appropriate attention to the matter in view of the fact that, 'Mrs. Ruth Paine of irving Texas, who has befriended Oswald and wife, has been prominently associated with the activities of the Friend's organization.'"
    The Mexico City Quaker connection was first developed by the San Francisco Bureau of the FBI, whose undercover informant Judith Gordon, notified them on January 15, 1964 that Barrie Milliman, a female student at the University of Califorinia (Berkeley), learned of some of Oswalds movements and contacts while visiting her fiance Homobono Amo Alcaraz Aragon in Mexico City.
    Before they got to Alcaraz however, the FBI interviewed the Acting Director of the Casa del Los Amigos, Von Peacock, who speculated that the "unknown American" may have been Robert Kaffke of San Francisco, who had been one of 58 students who made an illegal trip to Cuba in the summer of 1963. While it was determined that Kaffke was not registered at the Casa De Los Amigos until Oct. 25, 1963, weeks after Oswald had left, he was familiar to the FBI since he was also an undercover informant of the San Francisco FBI office. He was not however, any longer suspected as being the "unknown American" seen with Oswald in Mexico City.
    Kaffke told the FBI that when he stayed at the Casa de Los Amigos in late October 1963 the residents were still talking about Oswald's visit. When Oswald was there he had "a lot of money" and "persons at casa de Los Amigos are really scared when the name of Oswald is mentioned." [Note that they were scared Before the assassination].
    When the FBI caught up with Alcaraz, he verified much of what had been reported by Milliman, thru her friend Judith Gordon, which was that he had seen Oswald with an unknown American at Sanford's restaurant and that they were "working together to get visas for travel to Cuba and that they planned to go there together."
    According to the FBI report, Alcaraz mentioned that Oswald may have been associated with Steve Kennan, identified as a "pro-communist American," who had been in Mexico in 1962 and 1963, although he "stated emphatically," that he had never seen Oswald with Kennan.
    Then, according to Rose, there is the reference in the FBI reports of an "Arnold," who "begins to assume human shape and identity as 'Steve Kennan' moves into limbo."
    Arnold Kessler of Detroit had also been at the Casa de Los Amigos (in February), and like Barrie Millman, had attended the University of California at Berkeley. He worked temporarily as a journalist in Mexico City before moving on to Brazil, where the FBI found him. Kessler denied meeting Oswald, but stated that it was Alcaraz who told him that he - Alcaraz had met Oswald.
    As a former student radical who dropped out of college, and was not an FBI informant, Kessler's draft board was then informed of his circumstances so he could be inducted into the military.
    The FBI Legat in Mexico then concluded there was "no real basis for inquiry" and "no further investigation is being conducted."
    But others did investigate and found out more about the mysterious American Quaker from Philadelphia, Steve Kennan.
    In Live By The Sword Gus Russo (Bancroft Press, Baltimore, MD., 1998) gives an historically deceiving perspective on Kennedy's murder that still tries to sell the cover-story that Fidel Castro was behind the assassination. There is however, an interesting footnote under the allegation that there are no photos of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City because he was possibly accompanied by Cuban agents. The note from Chapter 19 - 8. p. 579 reads:
    "In 1994,...[Anthony and Robbyn] Summers also interviewed Homer Bono, who told them that he met Oswald at Sanborn's Restaurant outside Mexico City in 1963. Oswald left in the company of a Quaker from Philadelphia named Steve Kennan [sic?]. Oswald was a passenger on Kennan's motorbike as the two drove off to the Cuban Embassy to try to secure a visa for Oswald. Kennan has never been found or interviewed."
    The idea that Oswald could have been ferried about Mexico City on a motorbike by "a Quaker from Philadelphia" is certainly an interesting possibility, especially since the Warren Report makes note of the fact (p. 735) :

"Although the Soviet and Cuban Embassies are within two blocks of each other, they are some distance from Oswald's hotel. He must, therefore, have traversed a substantial portion of the city on more than one occasion. " So "A Quaker from Philadelphia" with a motorbike would have done very nicely, and would be a valuable witness to Oswald's activities there.

Anthony Summers, in Not In Your Lifetime (Marlowe & Co., N.Y., 1998 p.441), wrote :

"In 1994, in Mexico City, the author interviewed Homobono Alcaraz Aragon, a lawyer. His name featured in reports indicating that he claimed he had met Oswald in Mexico City before the assassination. In the 1994 interview, Alcaraz said he had encountered Oswald at Sanborn's restaurant, in the company of two or three other American students - all Quakers, like Alcaraz himself. The talk centered on efforts to get to Cuba, and Alcaraz said 'Oswald' eventually left with one of the Americans - whom Alcaraz recalls as being named either Steve Kennan (or Keenan) from Philadelphia. As Alcaraz recalled it, Keenan drove Oswald on his motorcycle to go to the Cuban consulate. Alcaraz seemed sincere, and abhorred publicity. He named a friend, Hector Gastelo (now a farmer in Sanoro State) as probably having been present during the encounter with Oswald. (Interview with Alcaraz, 1993; CE 2121; and multiple FBI reports - available at the Assassinations Archive and Research Center, Washington D.C.; Miraba: HSCA III.177)."

In a footnote to the footnote, Summers also makes note that, "As this book went to press, the author became aware of information that the CIA ran an agent in Mexico, code named LICOZY - 3, who was a student from Philadelphia (Philip Agee, Inside the Company, p. 530).
    The plot thickens as Agee reports (Inside the Company, Stonehill, 1975): "The [Mexico City] station double-agent cases against the Soviets, LICOZY-1, LICOZY-3 and LICOZY-5, are all being wound up for lack of productivity or problems of control. One of these agents, LICOZY-3, is an American living in Philadelphia who was recruited by the Soviets while a student in Mexico City, but who reported the recruitment and worked for the Mexico City station. He worked for the FBI after returning to the US - the Soviet case officeer was a UN offical at one time - but recently Soviet interest in him has fallen off and the FBI turned the case back over to the Agency for termination." [Emphasis added].
    Sanborn's Restaurant, where Alcaraz and Kennan reportedly met Oswald, is also mentioned by Richard Case Nagell, who (according to Dick Russell in The Man Who Knew Too Much, Carroll & Graf, 1992, p. 354), wrote a letter to his friend Arthur Greenstein refering to Sandborn's restaurant as a meeting place. While Sandborn's Restaurant is reported in one reference to be "just outside" Mexico City, Mary Ferrell's idex notes that "Kennan was seen several times in Sanbourn's Restaurant next to the American Embassy bldg. in Mexico City."
    It seems quite possible, even probable, as Summers' suspects, that "Steve Kennan - a Quaker from Philadelphia," who gave Oswald a ride around Mexico City on his motorbike, could be LICOZY-3, a "student from Philadelphia who was recruited by the Soviets while a student in Mexico City."
    The whole "Quaker" connection to the assassination reaches right to the heart of the matter of who was behind Oswald's movements and how he was being directed in his clandestine operations - his advocacy of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans, his mission to the Cuban and Russian Embassies in Mexico City, his intention to move to Philadelphia, his relocation back to Dallas and his job at the Texas Schoolbook depository.
    Central to everything is Ruth Avery Hyde Paine.
    According to Priscilla Johnson McMillan, in Marina and Lee (Harper and Row, N.Y., 1977, p. 314): "Ruth Avery Hyde grew up in the Middle West, the daughter of parents who felt strongly about the value of education and good works. When she was only thirteen, Ruth spent a summer on a truck farm in Ohio as her way of contributing to the effort to win World War II. The next summer she was with a traveling Bible school, teaching in Ohio and Indiana. At nineteen, as a student at Antioch College in Ohio, she became a Quaker, a convinced Quaker, often the most dedicated kind. She wanted to be a teacher, and by the time she graduated had an astonishing array of jobs. She had taught in elementary schools in the East and Middle West and had been a recreation leader at Jewish community centers in Ohio and Indiana, at a club for elderly immigrants in Philadelphia, and at a Friends' work camp in South Dakota. Whatever the job, Ruth was liked and respected, and was always asked to come back.

"She was later a teacher, aged twenty-five, at the Germantown Friends' School in Philadelphia when she met and married Michael Paine...They moved to Texas, and in September 1962, they separated..."

Not mentioned in this biography is the fact that Ruth Hyde Paine's father and sister both worked in various capacities for the CIA. Another anonomoly is Maria Hyde, an elderly American lady who Oswald met in both Moscow and Minsk, and whose photo of Oswald in Minsk turned up in CIA files, reportedly from the files of the Domestic Contacts Division of the CIA which routinely debriefs American tourists and business people who travel abroad.
    [It has never been determined if the Marie Hyde that Oswald met in Russia is in any way related to Ruth Hyde Paine or the international Quaker community. It however, seems to be a question that could be reasonably answered].
    Ruth Avery Hyde Paine is a pacifist who harbors Quaker beliefs, studied the Russian language and wrote letters to pen-pals in the Soviet Union, helped arrange east-west exchange students and became Marina Oswald's guardian. She first took Marina into her home as a guest while Oswald went to New Orleans to obtained work and an apartment.
    [It was the phone number at this apartment that Dr. (Col. USA) Jose Rivera gave to Adele Edison in Washington D.C. on April 22, 1963, two weeks before Oswald himself knew he would be living there].
    Ruth H. Paine then drove Marina to the Magazine Street apartment in New Orleans and then notified a local Quaker, Mrs. Ruth Kloepfer, of the Oswald's presence in New Orleans. She requested Kloepfer contact and assist the Oswalds, and Mrs. Kloepfer and her two college age daughters, who were also learning the Russian language, then visited Lee and Marina at the apartment.
    According to the Warren Report (p. 726): "Ruth Kloepfer was a clerk of the Quaker Meeting in New Orleans whom Ruth Paine had written in the hope that she might know some Russian-speaking people who could visit Marina. Mrs. Kloepfer herself visited the Oswalds but made no attempt to direct any Russian-speaking people to them." [Other than her daughters, who were never interviewed].
    Oswald then embarked upon his Clinton, La., pro and anti-Castro Cuban and Mexico City operations in New Orleans, which continued until September 22, 1963, when Ruth H. Paine arrived in New Orleans from Philadelphia. In Philadelphia Ruth H. Paine had spent some time with her husband's mother, Ruth Forbes Paine Young and her husband Arthur Young, the inventor of the Bell Helicopter. Both Ruth F. P. Young (Michael Paine's mother) and Arthur Young were pacifists and directly associated with the Philadelphia Quaker community.
    Oswald had told a few acquaintences, including Ruth H. Paine, that he eventually intended to relocate to Philadelphia, and in his notebook were two Philadelphia addresses.
    In any case, Philadelphia is the headquarters of the world Quaker community, which maintains close ties to nearby Main Line colleges Swathmore College and Haverford where Michael Paine and journalist Priscilla Johnson McMillan matriculated. Also in downtown Philadelphia is the headquarters of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), which operates Casa de los Amigos, the "camp" or youth hostel for America students studying the Spanish language in Mexico City.
    Instead of going to Philadelphia however, Oswald went to Mexico City, while Mrs. Ruth H. Paine took Marina, the kids and all of the Oswald's belongings - including the rifle, to Texas.
    It is possible that Steven Kennan and his Quaker friends knew Oswald in Mexico City and were associated with Casa de los Amigos, which is still operational today.
    - [I have initiated an internet email querry with all major Quaker organizations and am getting a good response from librarians who are very helpful, including one who knows Ruth H. Paine.]
    - It is also possible Oswald learned of this Quaker "camp" before he went to Mexico City from either Ruth H. Paine or Ruth Kloepfer, although both would later deny that they knew of Oswald's intention to visit Mexico.
    It has long been speculated that any CIA photographs of Oswald entering or leaving the Cuban or Russian embassies, on any of ten known occassions, were not made public because of other persons who are in the photographs, which would expose on-going covert operations.
    In his book Gus Russo speculates that any person photographed with Oswald in Mexico City was possibly Cuban, or at least a Communist, but if LICOVEY-3 ferried Oswald around, he was being transported about by a KGB-CIA double agent under the control of the CIA Counter-intelligence unit (James J. Angleton-Winn Scott), the same ones who kept the CIA files on Oswald "very close to their vests." (paraphrase of John Newman - Oswald & the CIA ).
    With the Quaker connection, there seems to be an underlying thread of detached financial and administrative assistance from a number of "non-profit" religious oriented charity organizations such as the American Friends Service Committee, the "Red Cross" that subsidized Oswald's soujourn in Minsk, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Cuban Welfare and Refugee Relief organizations.
    - Some of them were supported financially by the Catherwood Fund, a non-profit foundation established the same month in 1948 as the CIA and located in Paoli, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia on the Main Line, in the same small town as Michael Paine's mother, Ruth Forbes Young and her husband Arthur Young.
    - The CIA funding of such organizations has long been established and the roles of CIA officials Tom Braden and Cord Meyer have been widely published, and in light of the Quaker connections, should be reviewed to see if there are any more concrete connections.


Dr. Colonel Jose Rivera (USA) RIP 1911 - 1989

By Bill Kelly - (609) 814-0258 - billkell@bellatlantic.net

The literature of the J.F. K. assassination is littered with interesting lines of inquiry, but few are as detailed and unbelieveably confirmed as the circumstances presented by Adelle Edisen, who first made her story public in the JFK Assassination research journal The THIRD Decade, published by New York State University Professor Jerry Rose.
    The article, titled "FROM APRIL TO NOVEMBER AND BACK AGAIN," was written by Edisen, but to protect her identity, published under the name of K.S. Turner in the November, 1991 edition (Vol. 8 #1) of the bi-monthly, journal, now The Fourth Decade.
    Edisen claimed that in April of 1963 she met a person with foreknowledge of the assassination of President Kennedy, talked with Lee Harvey Oswald on the telephone in New Orleans in May, 1963, called the Secret Service to warn them of the assassination before it occurred and was interviewed by the Secret Service and FBI after the assassination.
    There are however, no official documented reports on the matter and apparantly none are forthcomming from the government even after Congress passed the JFK Assassination Records Review Act.
    Adelle Edisen's story however, seems to hold water without offical documentation, in fact, the lack of documentation makes what she has to say even more significant, and subsequent followup inquiries by separate independent researchers (Dick Russell, Larry Haapanen, John Gooch and myself) have confirmed much of what she has to say. It is a story that provides numerous leads of opportunity to further follow up on.
    As a synopsis, in the first Third Decade article Turner-Edisen describes how she came to meet Dr. Jose Rivera at a medical conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey in April, 1963.
    Edisen and Rivera were both medical professionals. Edisen was in her third year of a Tulane University School of Medicine post-doctoral fellowship in conjuction with the National Institute of Health's Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. She had previously worked on the faculty of Rockefeller University, the University of Texas at San Antonio and St. Mary's Dominican and Delgato Colleges in New Orleans
    When she met Dr. Jose Rivera he was manning a booth at the Atlantic City medical convention. Learning Edisen was with Tulane, in New Orleans, Rivera said he had been on the faculty of the Biochemistry Department at Loyola University, also in New Orleans and then lived in Washington D.C.
    At the time of their meeting Edisen described Rivera as, "approximately 45 or 50 years of age, short in height, about 5'3" or 4", and obese. His hair was dark brown, almost black, with some grey; he was balding at the forehead and crown. His eyes were brown, and he wore corrective glasses with very thick lenses which greatly magnified the size of his eyes. His complexion was quite dark. He spoke English with a distinct Hispanic accent."
    The Atlantic City Convention Authority records reflect that the National Institute of Health (NIH) sponsored a "High Blood Presure Symposium" at the Atlantic City Convention Hall in April, 1963.
    Edisen later (November 18, 1994) testified before the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) in Dallas, Texas, that the meetings in Atlantic City were organized by the Federation of American Socities of Experimental Biology, an umbrella group of six major biological societies, including the American Physiological Society, for whom Edisen gave a report on her research.
    The strictly a professional conversation between Edisen and Rivera became friendly, or as Edisen explained it, "I befriended him or he befriended me."
    The NIH is their first common tie, with their mutual professional acquaintences in New Orleans providing additional associations. Edisen told Rivera that she was planning to visit friends in Washington D.C. on her way home to New Orleans, and Rivera invited her to visit and have dinner with him, his wife and daughter when she arrived in Washington. He also offered to show her around and give her a tour of the NIH.
    "I was planning to go to Bethesea in Washington and visit with colleagues and friends at the NIH and also see the NIH," Edisen later testified, "and so he had, in the course of our conversations and so on, invited me to his home to have dinner with him and his wife and daughter, and also to help me obtain hotel, motel space for my visit in Bethesda after these meetings, and to give me a site-seeing tour, and so on."
    As Edisen explained their initial encounter, "It turned out he had taught at Loyola University in New Orleans, and we knew some people in common who were, for example, Dr. Fred Brazda who was chairman of Biochemestry at LSU Medical School, and a few other people."
    So shortly after meeting him at the Atlantic City convention, Edison arrived in Washington D. C. on Monday, April 22, 1963. As he had requested, she telephoned Rivera at his office, and his secretary arranged for her accomodations at a Bethesda, Md. motel.
    Rivera picked Edisen up in his car and explained that his wife, a nurse, was called into duty at a hospital, so they had dinner at a Washingtion restaurant, Blackie's House of Beef.
    It was standing in line waiting to be seated, Edisen recalled, when Dr. Rivera, "began to talk of his travels in conjuction with his work. He spoke of Dallas, Texas."
    Edisen quoted Rivera as saying, "When you go to Dallas, you should go to the Carousel Club because it's a very nice nightclub." Edisen made a mental note of a merry-go-round, while Rivera asked her if she knew Lee Harvey Oswald. He told her that Oswald had lived in the Soviet Union, was married to a Russian, had a child and they were planning on moving to New Orleans, where Edisen was then living. She distinctly made a mental impression of the name, "I vaguely wondered if he was related to a boy I had gone to high school with whose name was Fred Oswald."
    Rivera encouraged Edisen to meet the Oswalds. "You should get to know them," and she considered Oswald to be a fellow medical research scientist.
    Edisen and Rivera then made plans to meet the next night, when she would get a site seeing tour and could have dinner with Rivera at his home with his wife and daughter.
    After spending the day with friends, Rivera picked up Edisen at her motel where "a tall, sharp-faced man hailed Rivera, addressing him as 'Colonel.' They spoke for quite a long while about their times together at an Army base. His friend spoke of his current work in the army on telemetry and some work with cameras and telephoto lenses."
    Rivera later told Edisen that, "We're photographing demonstrators with telephoto cameras from rooftops. We'll identify individual demonstrators and put their names in computer files. We've started this on the West Coast."
    Edisen wondered how that could be related to his work as a science administrator at NINDB until Rivera told her of his "other office, on the hill," and ties with "Foggy Bottom," which Edisen thought to be a residential section of the city.
    According to Edisen: "After a lengthly drive to view the cherry trees, the National Library of Congress, Walter Reed Army Institute and Hospital, the Capitol Building, Georgetown and other sites, we started to approach the White House." While they passed the White House a number of times, the first time they went by Rivera asked Edisen, "I wonder what Jackie will do when her husband dies?"
    After a pause and Edisen's incredulous, "What?", Rivera said, "Oh, oh, I meant the baby. She might lose the baby." Edisen didn't know Jackie was pregnant, and that was, "the first inkling I had that Rivera might be implying something sinister concerning President Kennedy."
    Then, "Every time we toured around the White House he asked me if I saw Caroline on her pony Macaroni, and all kinds of crazy nonsense, and I was beginning to think I was with an absolute mad man...Rivera's part of the conversation at times was difficult to follow, but many of his statements, such as the reference to 'Jackie,' seemed deliberately placed. When he spoke of President Kennedy, Rivera was extremely critical of Kennedy's position on civil rights. Rivera made many disparaging remarks about black people and the civil rights movement."
    Rivera also mentioned the NIH, she notes, "Several times during the course of this evening and the previous one, Rivera referred to the NIH being called 'The Reservation' because there were so many 'chiefs' and no 'Indians.' I wondered why he had to repeat this so many times."
    Edisen, as a professional research scientist, suspected Rivera was using hyptnotic suggestion techniques on her, and possibly even drugs. "He spoke of hypnosis. He had knowledge of hypnotic techniques and of the uses of LSD, a psychomimetic and hypnogogic drug which increases susceptibility to suggestions without causing amnesia."
    Since his wife, again, was called in to work at the hospital, Rivera and Edisen had dinner at the Twin Bridges at the Marriott Motor Hotel across the Patomac River. While the dinner was relatively uneventfull, Rivera did ask Edisen some queer questions, like if she knew a lawyer named John Abt.
    "After we finished eating, he asked me to do a favor for him when I arrived home," recalls Edisen. Rivera wanted Edisen to contact Winston DeMonsabert, a Loyola faculty member who was leaving New Orleans. Edisen wrote a note to herself: "Winston DeMonsabert call Dr. Rivera when leaving NO."
    Then Rivera said to also call Lee Harvey Oswald - 899-4244. "Write down this name: Lee Harvey Oswald. Tell him to kill the chief."
    Rivera then contradicted himself, saying, "No, no, don't write that down. You will remember it when you get to New Orleans. We're just playing a little joke on him."
    Edisen said that she still assumed "the joke" would be on Oswald, a scientist and friend of Rivera's, and "the chief" was a reference to Elizabeth Hartman, "the chief" of the grants and awards section of the NIH, who Rivera had earlier joked about as being like the chief of a reservation "with too many chiefs and not enough Indians."
    Edisen remembers Rivera then being "agitated and excited. He began talking strangely about 'it' happeing," drew diagrams on a napkin, almost incoherent and very agitated, "It will be on the fifth floor, there'll be some men up there," he said. Edisen quoted Rivera as saying nonsensecical things like, "Oswald was not what he seems. We're going to send him to the library to read about great assassinations in history. After it's over, he'll call Abt to defend him. After it happens, the President's best friend will commit suicide. He'll jump out of a window because of his grief....It will happend after the Shriners' Circus comes to New Orleans. After it's over, the men will be out of the country. Remembmer, the first time it happens won't be real."
    Edisen recalls, "He did not respond to any of my questions about what was to happen, and I became even more concerned and suspicious about his odd behavior and statements. As I entered his car, he asked me to destroy the note I had made and to forget what had just happened. It did not dawn on me that he could have been referring to an assassination of the President - the Chief."
    Rivera threatened Edisen about going to the FBI saying, "They'll want that note. Don't give it to them. I don't want to have to hurt you. We'll be watching you."
    Edisen said, "I became very frightened. I didn't understand what he was talking about even though he had made references to the assassination of the President...He would say, after it happens, what happens, you know, I don't know what he's talking about..."

End Part I.



About a week after Adelle Edison returned home to New Orleans from Washington D.C. (approx. May 1-3, 1963), she called the number Rivera had given her for Lee Harvey Oswald - 899-4244 - who she believed was a research scientist colleague of Dr. Rivera who had returned from Russia with a Russian wife and recently moved to New Orleans. A man who answered the phone said there was no one there by that name.
    "A week later (approx. May 9-12 1963) I dialed again, thinking I might have misdialed the first time," recalls Edisen. The same man answered, and seemed surprised when she asked for Oswald, as he said, "They've just arrived."
    Although Oswald wasn't there, Edisen spoke with his wife briefly, and although she spoke with a Slavic-Russian accent, Marina seemed to understand the conversation, didn't know Dr. Rivera, and said it was all okay for Edisen to call back when her husband was there.
    The third time she called, the phone was answered by the same man, who Edisen belives was the landlord. Oswald came to the phone, but denied knowing Dr. Jose Rivera of Washington D.C.

"That's strange, because he apparantly knows you and your wife," Edisen told him. "I then asked Oswald for the location of the telephone, and he courteously gave me an address on Magazine Street, which I placed to be near the 5000 block...I thanked him and apologized for bothering him. Still thinking that Oswald was a scientist, I wondered why a scientist would be living in a rather run-down part of the city. Needless to say, I did not deliver River's message ('to kill the chief') to Oswald."

What is really strange is that Dr. (Col.) Jose Rivera, in Washington D.C., knew Oswald's New Orleans phone number on Tuesday, April 23, before Oswald himself knew where he was moving to in New Orleans.
    It was the following day, Wednesday, April 24, when Ruth Paine drove from Irving to the Oswald's Neeley Street apartment in Dallas to find the Oswalds all packed and ready to move to New Orleans. They had quite suddenly - Marina later said it was because of the Walker shooting incident, that they decided to move to New Orleans, where Oswald was born. They asked Ruth Paine for a ride to the bus station and she was startled by the sudden decision.
    Ruth Paine discussed the matter with them in the car on the way to the bus station, and convinced them that because they didn't know where Oswald would work or where they would stay in New Orleans, Marina and their daughter should stay with her in Irving, Texas while Oswald went on alone to New Orleans to find a job and locate an apartment.
    Oswald arrived in New Orleans by bus and called his aunt Lillian Murret to announce that he had returned home and to ask if he could stay with them at 757 French Street while he searched for employment. Mrs. Murret too was surprised, but agreed to take Oswald on as a guest until he obtained a job and apartment.
    After filing for unemployment compensation extensions for his work in Dallas at Jaggars-Chiles-Stoval [which required cross-state approvals], Oswald applied for work at a number of locations, including the William B. Riley coffee company at 640 Magazine Street, where he listed three references - his uncle John Murret, Sgt. Robert Hidell and Liet. J. Evans, the last two of which the Warren Report claims are "apparantly fictious names."
    But they're not ficticious. Oswald did know a Hidell in the Marines, who was living in New Orleans at the time, and there was indeed a "J. Evans," because as the Report notes on the same page, "Also on May 9, Oswald obtained an apartment at 4905-07 Magazine Street with the help of Myrtle Evans, who had know him when he was a child." And Myrtle had a husband named Julian. When he was young Oswald's mother had rented an apartment from Myrtle and Julian Evans. After the assassination Myrtle Evans characterized Oswald as a spoiled brat to the Warren Commission and Marina's biographer Pricilla Johnson McMillan (PJM).
    Recreating Oswald's reintroduction back in his old neighborhood, PJM wrote: "Lee went to their building and Julian Evans, who was seated at breakfast drinking his last cup of coffee, recognized him right away. He had known Lee both as a child and as a teenager, and there was something about him that neither he nor Myrtle liked. Julian finished his coffee, shook hands with the caller, and left for work. His wife Myrtle, a heavy-set women in her fifties, who wore glasses, and had reddish hair in a bun, peered at Lee closely, "I know you, don't I?"
    "Sure, I am Lee Oswald. I was just waiting to see when you were going to recognize me."
    Myrtle and Julian thought Oswald was in Russia. Even thought there was something she didn't like about Oswald, Myrtle took Oswald to lunch and helped him find the apartment on Magazine Street. According to PJM however, she drove Oswald around in her car looking for FOR RENT signs until they found one on Magazine Street.
    "Lee spoted one and they went in," PJM writes (in Marina and Lee p. 313). "There were two apartments for rent at 4907 Magazine Street, and the bigger one looked as if it might do. It was on the ground floor. It had a long living room, a screen-in front porch, a yard, and the kind of iron fence children can't crawl through. The rent was $65 a month. Myrtle advised Lee that it was the best value for his money and he'd better take it."
    The landlady was Mrs. Jesse Garner, who lived with her husband in an apartment next door in the same building complex. Oswald told Mrs. Garner he worked for the Leon Israel Company at 300 Magazine Street when he actually had obtained a job that morning at the William Riley Coffee company on the same street. It was Jesse Garner who most likely answered the telephone the three times that Adelle Edisen called at the request of Dr. Jose Rivera.
    The key question is: How did Dr. Jose Rivera in Washington D.C. know Lee Harvey Oswald's New Orleans phone number at Jesse Garner's 4905-7 Magazine Street apartment house on April 23d, when Oswald himself didn't know what it would be until May 9th? If true, and confirmed, it certainly indicates that at least some of Oswald's movements were being directed by someone in Washington D.C.
    That afternoon, May 9, Oswald called Marina at Ruth Paine's house in Irving, Texas with the news that he had obtained a job and apartment and Marina told Mrs. Paine and the children "Papa loves us," and was very happy. Mrs. Paine, Marina and the children left Irving the next day in Mrs. Paine's station wagon, staying ovenight enroute and arriving in New Orleans on May 11th. Mrs. Paine then stayed with the Oswalds at their new Magazine Street apartment for three days.
    Ed Haslam, who wrote a book called, "Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus," reported that the corner 4905-07 Magazine street apartment building complex was owned by Mr. and Mrs. William McLaney until 1974 when it was sold to Isabella Dawson, who (according to Mary Farrell) had previously signed a rent receipt for Oswald, indicating she had something to do with the buildling before she bought it. Edisen also wrote to city of New Orleans and learned the same details.
    Shortly after she returned to New Orleans from Washington Edisen also called the Loyola faculty member (Winston DeMonsabert) whose name Rivera had given her, but he denied knowing Dr. Rivera. [This is contrary to what DeMonsabert told John Gooch and Dick Russell when they interviewed DeMonsabert, who admited to being in communication with Rivera up to the time of his death].
    When Edisen checked with the Chairman of Loyola's Biochemestry Department, Dr. Fred Brazda, he said he knew Rivera but told Edisen that Rivera "had left the University under very peculilar circumstances" and warned her not to have anything to do with him.
    Suspicious of what she knew by then, Edisen called the New Orleans office of the U.S. Secret Service and spoke with Special Agent Rice. According to Edisen, "After giving my name, address and telephone number to him, I told him I had met a man in Washington in April who said some strange things about the President which I thought they should know. It was my intention to go there and tell them about Rivera and his statements, but I began to think they might not believe me, so I called back and cancelled. Agent Rice told me they would be there any time I would care to come in."
    Four months later, in August, 1963, Edisen saw Oswald on television, handing out Fair Play for Cuba leaflets in front of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans. She recalled the announcer refering to him as "Leon" Oswald. She noticed the similarity in names and wondered about the coincidence.
    In September, 1963, sometime after Labor Day, Edisen was speaking with Dr. Greg Harris in the hallway at LSU, when Rivera got off an elevator. "Of course I watched him," Edisen recalls, "and he didn't see me (at first). He had very thick glasses. He may not have seen at long distance. But when he was about eight or ten feet away, he noticed me and halted and he almost stumbled stepping backwards. He looked as if he had seen a ghost, and then he walked on. He recovered by saying he had to go see Fred Brazda, his friend in the biochemistry."
    That was the last time Adelle Edisen saw Dr. Jose Rivera.
    For Edisen it all came to a head on Friday, "November 22, my fears became reality. I spent much of the day listening to the news from Dallas and sorting out my memories of April, 1963. I felt I was involved, however innocently, and I thought it important the Secret Service and FBI be told of Rivera. Rivera was, to me, no longer a delusional psychotic, but an assassination conspirator. It also occurred to me that Oswald might be innocent despite the emphasis of his guilt by the news media and that he might have been somehow manipulated by Rivera and his "we" who were "playing a little joke" on Oswald.
    Two days later, on Sunday, November 24, Edisen, for the third time, called U.S. Secret Service office in New Orleans and spoke with Special Agent Rice. She was asked to go to the Federal Building at 600 South Street, where SA Rice met her in the lobby. She was told not sign the entry-exit register with the security guard. They went to an office on the fifth floor where they were informed that Oswald had been shot in Dallas.
    Edisen, at first, belived she met with Special Agent J. Calvin Rice, who has been identified as an agent of the FBI. It is more likely she met with Special Agent John Rice, the Special Agent In Charge of the New Orleans office of the FBI. She described Rice as being thin and short, not much taller than she was, while J. Calvin Rice has been described as over six feet tall and husky.
    In the office, Rice introduced Edisen to "a tall, heavy-set bald man with wire-rimed eyeglasses, a Special Agent of the FBI," who she recalls was named Orin Bartlett.
    Rice said they were working closely on the case. There was no one else in the office. Edisen belives the three to four hour long interview was taperecorded as, "Mr. Rice was seated at his desk, and I was seated to his right, and the FBI agent remained standing most of the time. I believe he may have taped it because every time Mr. Rice got up from his desk, there was a partition over there, for example, and there was a phone there which they used even though there was a phone on the desk, which I didn't understand, but apparently there was some reason for that. So every time Mr. Rice got up to answer the phone or to use the phone, I noticed his hand would do this, and I would either hear a whirring, a mechanical sound like a tape recorder or something. It may have been audiotaped."
    Edisen told them the story of how she met Dr. Jose Rivera in Atlantic City in April, how she visited with him for two days in Washington D.C., and showed them the airline ticket, hotel receipts and the notes she kept.
    "At this point," Edisen recalls, "the agents' questioning became more intense. I was asked to further identify Rivera, his position at the NIH, and his physical description. I also gave them Rivera's office telephone number and his home phone number (301-654-7348) in Chevy Chase, Maryland. The FBI agent quickly went behind the partition and called someone, giving this information. I thought Rivera was to be apprehended."
    "When the FBI agent returned from behind the partition, he asked if they could have the note, and I agreed," Edisen later wrote.
    As the interview came to an end, Agent Rice asked the FBI agent if he "had the film," and if he was ready to leave for Dallas, as "the plane was ready."
    "Before he showed me the door," wrote Edisen, "Agent Rice asked me to call them if I remembered anything else and requested that I not tell anyone I had been there to speak with them. I understood this to be for my own protection as well as for their investigation. Both agents thanked me for speaking with them."
    After she recalled a few more details, Edisen called Agent Rice a few days later, and repeated her fears of Rivera and his threats, but Rice counseled her, "Don't worry. That man can't hurt you."
    Edisen thought Rivera was in custody, and she expected to be called as a witness before the Warren Commission. "When the Warren Report was published, I was mystified and dismayed by the conclusion that Oswald acted alone, and that Jack Ruby acted alone, for my experiences told me otherwise."
    Maintaining her silence about the whole affair for many years, Edisen consulted an attorney to see if there was any record of her pre-assassination phone calls to the Secret Service or her post assassination interview. After perusing the 26 volumes of Warren Commission testimony and exhibits and finding nothing about Dr. Jose Rivera or reports from FBI Agent J. Calvin Rice or SAIC John Rice, she had New Orleans attorney Jack Peebles file a request under the Freedom of Information Act, but no documentation was discovered.
    When the Church Committee conveined she contacted Sen. Frank Church, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and when Sen. Daniel Inouye and his staff seemed interested she sent a copy of all documentation she had as well as a narrative of her experiences, but later received the response that the matter was "outside the purview of the Special Committee's work."
    A copy of the (three page) narrative summery of her experiences was also personally given to a Special Agent of the FBI in San Antonio, Texas, in 1984, which he reportedly sent to Headquarters.
    A year later she again made an FIO request to the FBI for anything they had in their files, and the FBI again replied that it had nothing.
    Adelle Edisen asked, in writing and at a public hearing in San Antonio, Texas, that the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) examine any records pertaining to Dr. (Col.) Jose Rivera, "and what his role was in all of this. I know something about him, that he spent some time in Japan, for example, he told me that, and it may have been there at that time Oswald was there. He knew Oswald somehow."
    As she concluded her Third Decade article, Edisen wrote, "History should record that some investigative work was conducted relevant to the information I had furnished to the U.S. Secret Service and the FBI following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; however, there is no offical record that this conversation ever took place. Why? If the information was not considered to be relevant and pertinent, there should be some record of the fact that the interview took place. If the information was considered to be relevant and pertinent, there certainly should have been a record of it."
    "Whatever forces were operating to assassinate President Kennedy may never be revealed, but this should not deter anyone from seeking the truth. If our system of government, its laws, and our civil rights are to survive, we need to know the truth, no matter how convoluted and strange it may be. We deserve to know this long before the next century."
    In 1989, Maryland newspapers published the obituary of "Dr. Jose Albert Rivera, pathologist, analyst, 78," which read:
    "Dr. Jose Albert Rivera, 78, a retired Army pathologist and research analyst at NIH, die dof pancreatic cancer, Wednesday, Aug. 16, at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. He lived in Kensington. Dr. Rivera retired in 1973 from a second career as a medical research analyst at the Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, one of the NIH, where he worked after retiring from the Army in 1965.
    "Born in Lima, Peru, Dr. Rivera studied medicine at the University of San Marcos. He moved to the United States to study at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, earing his undergraduate degree there. He earned his doctoral degree from Georgetown University in 1939 and interned at Providence Hospital.
    "In 1942, he volunteered for the Army and was commissioned a first lieutenant in the medical corps. He was stationed at Walter Reed Army Hospital and later assigned to Halloran General Army Hospital in New York.
    "In 1944, while acting as chief of pathology at Halloran, he was promoted to captain and went on a series of assignments in Italy and France and at the 198th General Army Hospital in Berlin.
    "During the Korean War he served in the 1273rd Medical Field Unit of the 406th Medical General Laboratory and received a battlefield promotion to major. After the war, he was chief of laboratory service and pathology at the U.S. Army Hospital in Toyko.
    "In 1958, he was assigned to the Reserve Training Center in Washington D.C., where he remained until his retirement in 1965.
    "Dr. Rivera was active in many civic organizations and charities. His favorites were the Epilepsy Foundation of America, the Reserve Officers Association of the United States and the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States....
    "Dr. Rivera is survived by two daughters, Linda Rivera-King of Abington, Pa., and Natalie Rivera Frederick of San Ramon, Californian and three grandchildren. His wife, Anne J. Rivera, to whom he was married for 52 years, died in 1988. Services were held at Fort Myer Chapel, with burial at Arlington National Cemetary."
    Larry Haapanen notes that a review of medical literature indicates Dr. Rivera wrote a number of books that were published, incuding one that links him to a Naval Medical facility in San Francisco.
    Walt Brown, in refering to the "Global JFK Index, noted that :
- Bartlett, Orrin - (FBI S/A - Liason with Secret Service), is mentioned in Carlos Brunguier's book Red Friday, p. 85; Livingston's High Treason II, p.101; Weisberg's Whitewash II, p. 200, 351, 599 and Post Mortem, p. 603; as well as WC Vol. III, p. 67-460; Vol. VI - p. 435 (concerning delivering bullet fragments to FBI lab on 112263 and in regards to bullet cartridges on 120363. Upper Pa. - phone number - talked with Edisen in 1991 -
- Rice, J. Calvin, SA FBI, is listed as being refered to in Warren Commission Exhibits : XV -pages 140- 226- 268-283- XIX - 384-386 - 627 - XX- 438-439 - 473 - XXII - 928 - XXIII - 104 - 207- 474 - XXVI -166-168
- Rice, John - Secret Service - Special Agent In Charge (SAIC) of the New Orleans SS office in 1963-1964, refered to for his post assassination interview with Jack Martin. SAIC John Rice is also indexed in John Davis, Mafia Kingfish - p. 200 Flamande, Kennedy Conspiracy - 125-126, 128, American Grotesque - p. 134-13
    Newman, Oswald and CIA p. 327 - Re: Carlos Bringuier - Lee H. Oswald encunters, including once when "At the time Oswald pretended to be against Castro," "and told Bringuier that he would be willing to assist in training Cubans with a view of overthrowing Castro."
    Newman cites: - JFK NARA RIF 124-10062-10049. To chief, from SAIC John W. Rice, New Orleans, Subject: Assassination of JFK.
    Weisberg - Oswald In New Oreans - 117- 129-130 - 179 -182 - 203 - 342
    The Assassination Records Review Board Final Report (Chapter 6, Part 1, p. 109) notes: 8. Adele Edisen, Winston de Monsabert, Jose Rivera
    "Dr. Adele Edisen has written several letters to the Review Board and has also provided public testimony to the Review Board. In her letters and testimony, Dr. Edisen stated that, in New Orleans on November 24, 1963, she recounted to an FBI agent and a Secret Service agent her knowledge of apparent dealings between Dr. Jose Rivera, Mr. Winston de Monsabert, and Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963. The Review Board requested FBI records on these individuals from FBI Headquarters and field offices in Baltimore, Dallas, Denver, New Orleans and Washington D.C. The FBI retrieved only a few records relating to the individuals referenced above, all of which the Review Board designated as assassination records."
    The ARRB PR person, Ms. Sullivan later contacted Adelle Edisen and informed her that the FBI had located the narrative she gave to the SA of the FBI in San Antonio, Texas, but that was all they could locate among their files.
    New Orleans Attorney Jack Peebles
    Winston DeMon.
    Mr. DiMagio—Bio-Chemestry
    Ed Haslam—Alb. N.Mx.

Also 15 February 1999, my reply to Kelly

    Thanks for the information. Charlie Drago's E-mail address is cdrago@rilin.state.ri.us. Please send your possible abstract to both of us. Please keep it as general and as forward-looking as possible. I will forward your attachments to him as well.
Ken Rahn


13 March 1999

Message from J.E. Fiorentino

You may be interested in sharing with your students information from a new book entitled, "Return to Reason" (Evidence of Disguise and Deception by the Critics of the Warren Report) written by J.E. Fiorentino, including an introduction by Dr. J.K. Lattimer is scheduled for release in the second half of this year.
    Dr. Lattimer, you may be aware was on the HSCA panel in the late 70's, and has himself written a book, entitled "Kennedy and Lincoln" which examines the medical and ballistics evidence in the case.
    "Return to Reason" is currently being updated, and contains NEW evidence in the case. The book takes an extremely unusual approach to the case, and documents CONCLUSIVELY that the Warren Commission was correct in their conclusions.
    One section examines the Zapruder film in detail, and pinpoints the EXACT frame when Kennedy and Connally were hit by the first shot.
    If you desire further information, please e-mail me back.
    The book will most probably be released in audio format before the hardcopy.
Best regards,

J.E. Fiorentino

Follow-up message from J.E. Fiorentino, same day

    If you wish to converse by phone......My # is 732-493-3185
Thanx again,
J.E. Fiorentino

My reply, same day

Dear Mr. (?) Fiorentino:
    I found your message very intriguing. Please send more information.
    Would you be interested in attending our April conference in Providence? (See link from the class's web site.) Do you need information about it? I probably won't have time to call you in the near future.
    Is the original edition of the book still available?
Ken Rahn

His reply, same day

Thanx for you response.......Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend....The book is not published yet.........I wrote it over the span of several years, so I decided to make some updates before publication....That will be the "original," or first edition.
    As, up until recently I was employed full time at a law firm, time was something I just didn't have. I have other business interests, and since this was basically a one man show, the delay in publication has been agonizing to say the least.
    I would be happy to supply any info. you need. Perhaps I could send a detailed response on some specific questions you or your students may have.
    As I stated, the bbok will probably be released in audio form first, which for a non-fiction book of this type may not be the greatest of mediums, but will afford me the opportunity to get it out a little faster. I still have some legalities to work out re: including frames from the Zapruder film in the book. Initially the royalty demanded by the Zapruders' lawyers was prohibitive. I feel that I could publish the book without the frames from the film, but since so much hinges on that aspect of the investigation, the optimum would be to publish them.
    Thanx again for your invitation, and let me know how I can be of assistance.
    I will tell you this. If you ever believed there was a conspiracy in the assassination, this is THE book for you.
Best regards,
John Fiorentino

My reply, same day

Dear John:
    I think that all of us interested in the JFK assassination have to be VERY careful about statements involving conspiracy or lack of it. For starters, conspiracy can be proven whereas lack of conspiracy cannot. Thus I will never say "There was no conspiracy" because I cannot prove that, nor can anyone else. I may say "I do not believe" in conspiracy, because that is an entirely different statement. What I or anyone else believes has an indistinct relation to the truth and is basically inconsequential--it's what we can demonstrate (or prove) that counts.
    So what do we really know about the assassination? That in 35 years, not one piece of objectively falsifiable evidence for conspiracy has emerged. But that does not mean or in any way imply that there was no conspiracy, only that we haven't been able to find a conspiracy so far. On the other hand, 35 years is a long time, and with each tick of the clock, it becomes less probable that there really is a conspiracy to be found. (See my essay #1). But we will never be able to say it for sure. As for me, I judge that it is >95% probable that Oswald acted alone, but I cannot and will not go farther than that. We are not a court of law that must reach a decision even when the evidence is inconclusive, as it must be for disproving conspiracy. I would urge you to be wary of overly strong statements about lack of conspiracy.
    Concerning using your book in my class, I don't see how it will be possible given that we end in the first half of the year and your book will appear in the second half.
    I'm sorry that you can't attend our conference.

>I would be happy to supply any info. you need. Perhaps I could send a detailed
>response on some specific questions you or your students may have.

What kinds of questions did you have in mind--about the book or about the assassination?
    I'm curious—does your book go into the scientific evidence, the medical evidence, or all types of evidence? How is the book structured? What kind of academic background do you come from?

His reply, same day

I agree, you can't prove a negative............Thusly, I cannot prove there was no conspiracy. However, most people are quite uneducated about the assassination, gleaning their "knowledge" from the plethora of conspiracy works.
    When you examine the evidence, and then compare it to what is stated by the critics, you quickly see that all those thoughts, doubts, etc. about the government's "coverup" are unfounded. Even Gerald Ford admitted, and the Warren Report stated......it found no evidence of a conspiracy either foreign or domestic...It never said there was no conspiracy.
    My book examines the medical evidence, some of which is new. The single bullet theory, which upon examination of the Z film, matches EXACTLY what the Warren Commission stated. I examine the ballistic evidence, the supposed "accoustic" evidence for a fourth shot. And dispel EVERY myth that has been perpetrated upon the American people concerning this tragic event.
    There is also an examination of Stone's JFK.....and various storyweavers such as.....Cyril Wecht, MD........Jean Hill..........Harold Weisberg.....David Lifton.......Dr. Crenshaw.........Mark Lane....etc., etc.
    The book is fully footnoted, and referenced........I would be happy to answer any questions pertaining to the assassination.
Best regards,
John Fiorentino


17 March 1999

Dr. Arthur Snyder of the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) has submitted a critique of my Essay #5, on neutron activation and the JFK assassination. Because of the length of this critique, I have separated it from these shorter comments. To read it and two sets of introductory comments, click here. To read my response to his critique, click here.


26 April 1999

From Roger Byrum
Subject: Strong vs. Weak Evidence

Hello Dr. Rahn:
    I have read a number of your essays relating to the Kennedy assassination. While I am all for dividing the evidence into "strong" and "weak" evidence and tossing out the "weak" evidence, God knows there are enough red herrings in that kettle, I'm not at all certain that your criteria for dividing it is correct.
    I noticed you placed witness statements in the weak category and the opinions of scientific experts in the strong category. I'm not convinced that witness statements are non-falsifiable per se. Nor am I convinced that expert opinion is necessarily as strong as you represent.
    I can give you one interesting example of expert opinion. The House Select Committee on Assassinations had nine forensic pathologists examine the X-rays and autopsy photographs of President Kennedy. They concluded that the bullet trajectory through Kennedy's back was level to slightly upward.
    Attorney General Ramsey Clark also assembled a panel of experts to examine the same X-rays and photographs. They concluded that the bullet trajectory through Kennedy's back was downward.
    Clearly, somebody's wrong.
Roger Byrum

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