ARRB April 1996 Letter

to Marina Oswald Porter

The Truth is Redacted Website - http://www.redacted.com

Assassination Records Review Board
600 E Street NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20530
(202) 724-0088 FAX: (202) 724-0457

April 24, 1996

Ms. Marina Porter

Dear Ms. Porter:

Thank you for your letter of April 19, 1996 to Chairman John Tunheim regarding records related to the assassination of President Kennedy and your late husband, Lee Harvey Oswald. Chairman Tunheim asked me to respond to you

I will provide copies of your letter to the appropriate staff members for careful review. Several members of the staff have read "Oswald Talked" and follow-up has already been initiated with regard to investigating potential sources of assassination records.

As I am sure you are aware, in several instances the FBI denies the occurrence of an event for which the LaFontaines allege records should exist. For example, the FBI's position is that there was not a November 16, 1963 meeting between Mr. Oswald and an FBI agent and thus no relevant records exist. Similarly, the FBI's position is that contrary to the assertion made by Mr. William Walter, there was no FBI teletype sent on the morning of November 17, 1963 warning of a possible assassination attempt on President Kennedy in Dallas. Please advise the Review Board if you are aware of specific evidence which is relevant to the alleged existence of these or other assassination records.

The members of the Review Board are committed to ensuring that the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection is as complete as possible. During the last year, the Board has been releasing records that have never been available to the American public. This effort to fulfill the Board's mandate will continue for as long as it is in existence.

Again, thank you for your letter and for your interest in the work of the Review Board.



Thomas E. Samoluk, Esq.
Associate Director for Communications