Subject: More on Robert Knudsen Date: Sat, 01 Aug 1998 04:43:21 -0700 From: "Vincent M. Palamara" Organization: Star-Telegram Usenet server CC: Gary Aguilar Newsgroups: startext.jfk Thanks go to Martin Shackelford for this excerpt: The latest interview to be released is that of White House photographer Robert Knudsen, who developed some of the autopsy photos at the Navy's National Photographic Center. He insisted that he made, not the two sets currently accounted for, but seven sets of the photos after developing them on November 23, 1963. One set, he reported, was given to Ted Kennedy, others to the Attorney General, National Archives and Secret Service. He referred to Secret Service agent "Roy Kellerman [who was in the limousine], who had taken over handling everything at that point," meaning the autopsy photos. Knudsen said one photo showed metal probes through the wound tracks: one from an entrance wound in the front of the throat to an exitwound in the base of the rear neck; another entering six or seven inches down in the back (military aide Richard Lipsey, who attended the autopsy, also reported two wounds in the area of the lower neck; interview notes indicate he firmly stated "that JFK was shot three times" from behind). Another photo showed a wound in the right rear head. Neither is in the current collection. Shown the current photographs, their photographer, Thomas Stringer, questioned their authenticity. The back of the head photograph drew skepticism from autopsy radiologist Dr. John Ebersole. Drawings by witnesses place the large exit wound in the right rear of the head, not in the forward side area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------